scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Saturday, February 17, 2007
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
Anonymous said...
As I cruise around the milblogs and others, two things are beginning to emerge.
One, the alteration in tactics appears to be working. Time will tell, but you gotta admit just in past week there have been a couple great events and lots of small victoies.
Two, the ratbastards are already preparing their explainations if this "surge"(hate that expression) does acheive positive results, it was their GD prodding that brought it about. They were for increased levels of troops before they were against them. They said Rumsfeld had to go, than critsized Gates. They've got all the bases covered.
Simply they don't care one effing iota about our troops, if it served their purposes to have them stand still naked in Iraq, they'd demand that. Check out the NYT today. The Times says this resolution is all well and good, but nows the time to cut funding. MOFO!!! Not a peep about Al-Qedea leadership getting decimated, just pull the rug out from under Bush, our troops and the Iraqis.
I hate them. Pure and simple.
MM -
2/17/07, 12:13 PM
Anonymous said...
were's the hypothetical part?
2/17/07, 12:14 PM
Anonymous said...
You know.The horseshit is everywhere you turn.I just worked a crossword puzzle online and one of the clues was "Liberal person" (with a capital letter)and the answer was "sharer'.I guess if the clue was "Conservative person" then the answer would be "stingy".The fact is that Conservatives are probably the more generous of the two groups....Just another 'title' in that puzzle that can be added to all the rest,like 'fascist' 'bigot' 'anti-semite' etc.applied by the Dhimmis to Conservatives....These Lefties would be laughable with their childish efforts to bad mouth the Right if it just wasn't so Goddamed effective with the ignorant American public.
2/17/07, 1:39 PM
Anonymous said...
I am gonna elaborate further....I'm proud of all the American things that have been spread around the world but there is one thing that we have here and have spread somewhat that I'm not so proud of diseminating and that is gullability.Joseph Goebbels would be astonished at what you can make people believe in the USA these days.Americans have been trained all their lives that TV is holy,since the days of St.Kronkite and the other holy men.For at least half of my life,with ever increasing regularity,I have listened the pack of lies about White people in general and Republicans in particular being the low lifes of the Earth....Believe it or not,I was once a Democrat,but my sense of fair play made it intolerable to continue to belong to that gang of lying propagandists.I'm sure I used to miss a lot of the snide insertions in the media just as I am nowadays super sensitive to these outrages that seem to stick out like a sore thumb...I'm kinda old now and my bullshit tolerance just isn't what it used to be.It's why I turn to and ply humor so often.It's difficult to go on day after day being angry enough to maim someone...Amen
2/17/07, 2:12 PM
Anonymous said...
Prolly off topic again, but the term Congressional leadership showed up. I can't resist this one:
The President of the EU Parliament is Hans-Gert Poettering. Of course it is, darling. -
2/17/07, 2:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Simply outstanding post and your comments are fact.
Runyard Kipling
For it's Tommy this an' Tommy that, an' "Chuck him out, the brute!"
..........But it's "Saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot;
..........An' it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' anything you please;
..........An' Tommy ain't a bloomin' fool - you bet that Tommy sees!
These bastards have forgot something while in D.C. again DUTY , Honor, Country
The most powerful country ever and we are going to give up our Republic our nation with out firing a shot. These bastards should be run out of the capitol. In another year we will be having attacks on our schools and school buses. This little attack at the mall in Utah will look like a stroll in the park. But does Murtha and the cowards that voted with him care. I will answer no they do not as long as they win control. It has got to stop our country and families and homes should come first. If we have to bring the troops home I say use them in D.C. to remove the dirty cowards. -
2/17/07, 3:46 PM
Anonymous said...
My position on Dubya hasn't changed since the runup muck and fury of the 2000 and 2004 elections: he is unflaggingly loyal, patriotic, and straightforward. He's a bumbling politician, and in that regard makes incredibly bad, almost fatal, political decisions; often his timing is stupendously bad. He never was the right man, in my opinion, for the job of PotUS. On the other hand, George W. Bush is considerably preferable to Gore and infinitely preferable to Kerry. Even with his faults, his administration has been more effective than Clinton’s, except in the lamestream media.
Any disappointments I have in George Bush, and there are several (mostly political), are by powers of 10 of lesser weight and moment than those I surely would have had with Gore and/or Kerry, and they in no way diminish my sense of patriotism or belief in the fact that what he's doing is a shitty job that SOMEbody HAS to do, sooner or later . . . and I prefer sooner. He simply found himself, through no fault of his own, in the awesome mess of having to resolve a complex problem in which his success can be measured only by the depth of his failure, an unenviable, unpleasant, unforgiving, and undeserved task. -
2/17/07, 3:54 PM
Anonymous said...
Thanks Jack,for your kind comments....Felt good to get those things off my chest.Even the small insults of the Lefties become unbearable.
2/17/07, 4:00 PM
Anonymous said...
Eros I must say I agree with you. An unfortunately sad and absolutely right on the peg analysis.
2/17/07, 5:39 PM
Anonymous said...
Here's a simple test - personal introspection - that will tell anyone all they need to know about themselves. How they respond afterward is of course the real test. Here's the hypothetical.
President Bush is stunned to receive a 100% verified report proving that Congressional Democrats have been right, and uncannily prescient, about every aspect of the war on terror. Saddam never had WMDs; and Syria was playing Iran all along, not the other way around. Negotiations worked every time, proving to be VERY cost effective, and the savings in military budget erased the deficit. The limit on removing people from welfare and other entitlement programs was reached: there existed people who simply fell through the cracks and needed a temporary safety net to avoid destruction, and yet rebounded to prove invaluable to the nation thereafter.
Iran, Russia, and China responded positively to real negotations. Communists and socialists accepted market reforms, and the United States adopted further social programs that eased life for the poor and allowed the middle class to flourish for the first time since the Reagan years.
All of this is proven TRUE.
What's your immediate reaction to this report?
A. I feel like an idiot. How could I have been wrong for all these years?
B. I think I'm going to puke, this is so sickening.
C. Quick, let's discredit the opposition!
D. Democrats suck the big one. Always. The hypothetical is ridiculous.
By choosing any answer but the first, you show a venal disposition.
That's because this is a hypothetical. You're supposed to be able to temporarily adopt the premise no matter what the truth is, no matter how deeply held are your beliefs. You have no wish for the nation's success if it cannot be accomplished within the parameter of your own ideology, if at all. You are disingenuous, and not a nice person. Find some humility and change yourself.
Editorial aside: I think my whole post above is a load of bs. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander. However the answer to the original post AND to this post is actually A, because it is a hypothetical. Anything else - to EITHER posting - is just a case of Kool-Aid thinking, groupthink masturbatory seeking of validation from each other.
My truth: Saddam's wmds ARE in Syria, I'm convinced. And Iran does want to dominate the Middle East, blackmail Europe, AND many of those in power there intend to nuke Israel off the Earth. Russia and China play along to knock us down a few pegs, because we are ascendant, and they want that to end. But I'd still answer 'A' to the original posting, and then quickly forget the silly thing.
mikedevx -
2/17/07, 10:02 PM