Thursday, April 19, 2007

Bill Frist on Late Term Abortion


Today's Letter

Bill Frist

From: Bill Frist, M.D. (VOLPAC) []
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2007 6:13 AM
Subject: Frist: Supreme Court Decision

Partial-birth abortion is a morally offensive procedure, and today’s Supreme Court decision to uphold the ban that passed during my first year as Senate Majority Leader is a major victory in our effort to protect the sanctity of life.

Today’s ruling reaffirms that human life is precious and that we cannot tolerate a procedure that puts into question our medical ethics. It represents yet another important step in our endeavor to restore a culture of life.

I’m proud that Chief Justice Roberts and Justice Alito – both good men whose confirmations I strongly supported as Majority Leader – sided with the vast majority of Americans who support a ban on partial-birth abortion.

The practice of brutalizing a tiny baby the very moment she is ready to emerge into the world is an affront to my whole medical experience . . . and to the decency of a civilized society. We respect human life far too much to let it be ravaged in such an inhumane way.

I’ve seen the miraculous gift of life restored in the operating room in ways that defy human explanation. I’ve held hearts in my hand and placed them within patients – and seen them begin to beat as life once again pulses through bodies stilled by the creeping hand of death.

Contrary to the claims of its supporters, partial-birth abortion is dangerous to the health of the mother. More dangerous, in fact, than other alternatives. The only purpose of a partial-birth abortion is to deliver a dead baby . . . not to protect the life of the mother.

As a surgeon, I took an oath to treat every human life with respect, dignity and compassion. I understand that there are certain ethical bounds to the application of surgical procedures, and these bounds should never be crossed in a moral sense.

Partial-birth abortion is a rogue procedure that is never medically necessary and is condemned by the medical community. It has no place in the doctor-patient relationship – and absolutely no place in our society.

To comment on today's decision, please click here.

Bill Frist, M.D.

Inspector Jack


Anonymous said...

good deal...

so the Repub Majority accomplished something, and the President's Judicial Appointments helped uphold the progress.

with Hillary being outraged at this, wanting to continue to allow a dangerous 'partial-birth abortion intending to deliver a dead baby'...

how can someone still say these two Parties are the same?

Anonymous said...

the 2 parties are not the same but the Republicans right now are suffering a dire leadership problem. It has lost it's voice on most matters that make it the Republican party. It had better find it's self and soon or we are going to be in serious trouble.Hell we are in serious trouble.

Anonymous said...

Every time I get right here,I find I can't look at the baby picture and clinch my jaw at the same time.It that a photo of a real baby or is it a doll?...Sure is a sweetie....OK,I'm just an old softie.

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