Friday, May 04, 2007

Girl stoned to death

Islamic Justice

Disgustingly Graphic!
I complied this video of a Kurdish teenage girl being stoned to death in Mosul, Iraq on Monday.  I didn't post it because it made me ill, but now Drudge has made it very public. 

 There are six segments from 6 cell phone videos.  The girl's crime was having an argument with her family, and spending the night in the home of her boyfriend's parents.  Her uncle turned her in, knowing full well what her fate would be.  The film opens with the crowd waiting to ambush her.  She's grabbed, her pants pulled down, and "rocked"  to death.  An ironic moment defines these Muslim faithful for me.  After she's  been stripped half naked, and stoned to a bloody pulp, a participant covers her legs, now in death deemed suddenly obscene.  Mallah Fukbar.


Anonymous said...

All the more reason to hate those ass backward Muslim monsters...

Anonymous said...

I believe in hell. That's all.

Anonymous said...

I wept for her.
Utterly defenseless
Why Jesus
will be returning.

Unknown said...

These are the scumbag, 9th century, backward-ass vermin the Democrats embrace, the Europeans love, and Kansas City is putting foot washing stations in at the airport for.

Anonymous said...

To give the devil his due, news reports say it wasn't Moslum scum that killed the girl. It was Yazidi scum. Yazidis are followers of a pre-Christian / pre-Islamic religion. There's only about a half-million of them left in the world. They seem to worship "modern" versions of the Middle Eastern gods of Baal, Ashtar, etc.

These Yazidis killed their own girl because she was dating a Sunni boy. I guess Baal still demands a blood sacrifice.

"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

Anonymous said...

One win today: Amid growing outrage, Verizon Wireless has cut off its support of hip-hop superstar Akon, who is under investigation for a simulated rape of a 14-year-old preacher's daughter caught on video last month at a concert in Trinidad...He professes to be a Muslim...

Unknown said...

It's scenes like this that leave me thinking...maybe....the end of the world wouldn't be such a BAD thing.

skh.pcola said...

These assholes get their jollies from killing a girl? I call that a reason to seek out more target-rich environments like the 10-20 of these ululating sub-humans.

Anonymous said...

ah family life - what a bunch of animals -

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, every one of the evil bastards in the world who believes in this religion and it's rules should be killed.Quickly. Ruthlessly. Let no one cry for them because they are not human. They have no souls. They are evil. I have reached the point where I could pull the trigger without blinking. No sympathy for their parents or children. They are like rabid dogs. Killing them is a duty and a necessity. Like watering the lawn or painting the house. A bit messier but it still needs to be done. Until the country understands that these monsters cannot be reasoned with we are doomed to have more 9-11's or worse. I'm waiting, it is inevitable.

Anonymous said...

They're not Muslims. They're of the Yazidi religion which precedes Islam by about 2500 years. I felt intense hatred towards the mob when watching the video. Some people say they felt "saddened". I don't. I wanted so much to save her and massacre that mob of Dark Age religious bastards. Life is too good for them.

skh.pcola said...

Fierce Guppy, this instance may have been Yamahas or whatever, but Islamoturds act exactly that way routinely. 2500 years might seperate the two cults, but there isn't a lick of difference betwixt them.

Anonymous said...

Not Muslims? I could swear I heard "Allah Ackhbar!" Whatever, they deserve to die. Every damned one of them, and their families too for raising F'ing monsters. Rather than help a girl, they'd rather ambush her, smash her head in with rocks, rip off her clothing and chant praise to their moon god, all the while filiming it for posterity. Ghoulish and sickening.

Should be easy to trace that video back to the phone that made it. Then just wait for it to place a call and slam it with an air-to-surface via a Predator drone.
To me, it's worth the $200,000 cost of the missle. The National Endowment for the Arts with have to simply tighten their budget and do without. Or take it from the federal highway fund. It's not like West Virginia needs another highway named after Robert Byrd.

Anonymous said...

skh.pcola, none that matters. The Yazidi have existed for centuries while flanked by Islamists on all sides. So there is evidently considerable respect by Muslims for the Yazdi, else they'd have been wiped out aeons ago. Those of us who care anyhing at all about human liberty and justice must pull the legs off these barbarous religions fast. Lambaste them, use ridicule, whatever. Humiliate the savages. What was on that video should not exist in our time. I will happily piss on both Islam and Yazdi.

Anonymous said...

If they are yelling Aloha snackbar then you know what they are. But this is proff that evil monsters do exist in this world. What horrendous animal monsters.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Good for Chuck's caveat about the Yazidis being responsible for this particular example of stoning. Let it be noted though that lapidation (or ritual stoning) is a staple of Muslims everywhere. I earlier reported an Iranian example. And how does that practice stack up with our own custom of killing babies, just seconds before live birth so mommy won't be tied down with a screaming brat? Practitioners of both are little more than snake worshiping cavemen.

Anonymous said...

Let's go back 3200 years to the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. When Joshua got The Tribes to the Jordan River, God gave him one command -- wipe out the Canaanites.

Kill the men, the women, the children. Kill the cattle. Destroy their idols and their altars. Leave not one stone upon another.

And why? Because the Canaanites were evil. Because they sacrificed their children to pagan gods like Baal, Ashtar, etc. These are the same gods the Yazidis worship although they have been modified some over the past three thousand years.

The subsequent invasion and pacification of Canaan by Israel is detailed in the Biblical books of Joshua and Judges.

It looks like Joshua and Company missed a few of them.

Anonymous said...

OK, so they are yazidis instead of muslims, basically the religion that islam grew out of. Both barbaric, I don't care if she fell in love with satan, she still would not have earned a death by stoning. Those monsters were having fun. Man, the herd really needs to be thinned out. And yes, you can add partial birth abortionists (I'm not fond of abortionists period) and the mothers who murder their babies for convenience to the list too.

Anonymous said...

When the Amish encounter a case of apostacy they react by 'shunning' or disowning the sinner.Isn't it about time that they decided on a more permanant solution as to how they deal with heretics and those pesky teenagers engaged in 'rumspringa' and just kill em off.You know,get the 'plain folk' together,use some pitchforks or whatever,and kill off these pesky troublemakers.....Oh..Wait a minute..Maybe the Yazidi,Muslims,Middle Easterners,Central Asians,or any of the rest of those heathen bastards should consider adopting the more humane and civilized methods of the Amish.Isn't it likely that doing this would go a long way toward making them a people that others would be willing to share citizenship with? Maybe then they could modernize even further and give up the idea that all non believers should be exterminated,and exhibit some of that 'religion of peace' that they like to get credited with,instead of the sub human barbarity that they brandish.....You know..Just asking.

Anonymous said...

Read the article again. The girl was a Yezidi. That doesn't mean that the Yezidi were responsible for her death.

I agree that those were shouts of "Allahu akbar!" That's what I heard.

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