Friday, May 04, 2007

Dog Tags Now

2007 Voter's Accountability Act

People who vote for democrats should not profit from the carnage.

  Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee this week slashed Pentagon funding for U.S. missile-defense programs in ways critics say will severely harm efforts to build an integrated system to defend against missile attacks. Inside the Ring

Now, read this.

Victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks — both individuals killed or seriously injured and individuals and businesses impacted by the strikes — have received at least $38.1 billion in compensation, with insurance companies and the federal government providing more than 90 percent of the payments, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today. (RAND Corp)

I want "dog tags" issued to every adult citizen that include a political affiliation. Victims of future terrorist acts without the "Republican" stamp on their tag will be ineligible for compensation.  Just the opposite. Their (Democrats and Slackards) estates will be awarded to a fund for Republican victims of their close minded stupidity. I want those New Jersey 9-11 widows to give their millions back too. Had they not voted Bill Clinton into office (and they did support him), their husbands would likely be alive, along with some innocent people. Let's get this enacted.


Anonymous said...

My mouth can not drop any lower. With Iran developing long range ballistic missiles with the help of N. Korea who already has them, you just gotta ask yourself, what in the world are these democrats thinking? How can they come to the conclusion that a missile defense system isn't of the highest priority.

Every week, when I think I can't be surprised any further by the traitorous behavior of the left, I am.

They are truly a danger to The United States and the saddest thing is half the damn country votes for them.

skh.pcola said...

I've pondered this for a couple of decades now, since I first voted for Reagan: Why do liberal scum have a philosophical objection to missile defense? I've never been able to come up with an answer. It's like kvetching about the Pope having a PopeMobile making it more difficult for Islamic assclowns to assasinate him. WTF?

This is why there's nothing a liberal/progressive/Democratic/commieMF will EVER be able to say to me that will convince me one iota that they give a good got damn about this USofA. They hate this republic to the root of their very rotten cores.

Any money is too much money if it keeps a foreigner from killing Americans. I don't think that's simplifying the reality much. No border protection (too much $!), no intelligence (too much $!), no SDI (too much $!), etc, etc., ad nauseum. Those jackasses want us to bear our collective jugular to the filthy mongoloids who want us dead. To hell with that. I hate liberals.

skh.pcola said...

Hmph. "Bare" our collective jugular...

Where's my atenolol and lisinopril?

skh.pcola said...

Fred Thompson, from a speech he gave today:

"The government could start by securing our nation's borders. A sovereign nation that can't do that is not a sovereign nation. This is secondarily an immigration issue. It's primarily a national security issue. We were told twenty years ago if we produced a comprehensive solution, we'd solve the illegal immigration problem. Twelve million illegals later, we're being told that same thing again. I don't believe most Americans are as concerned about the 12 million that are here as they are about the next 12 million and the next 12 million after that. I think they're thinking: "Prove you can secure the border and then people of good will can sit down and work out the rest of it, while protecting those folks who play by the rules.""

Anonymous said...

They spelled your name wrong.

Anonymous said...

Fred has got it right. Go Fred Go.

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