Saturday, May 05, 2007

In God We Trust

A Cancer, Some Commies

FORT WAYNE, IND. — When Mark Studler was renewing his specialty license plate recently, which touts his support of environmental issues, he expected to pay the annual premium of $40 to the state.

After all, he wanted to express his love of the great outdoors every time he hit the highways — and liked that $25 of the fee was donated to the Indiana Heritage Trust, a state conservation group.

But he objected to a new license plate that he felt also qualified as a specialty plate — one with the motto "In God We Trust" — but didn't require a premium. Not even the $15 extra fee that usually goes to the state for administrative costs.

"I don't have any problem with people expressing their religious beliefs, whether it's on a bumper sticker or their license plate," said Studler, 49, a construction worker. "But folks should be treated in the same way — and charged the same fees by the state — as Hoosiers who prefer that their custom tags promote education or the environment." [ACLU ENTERS STAGE LEFT]

Mark Studler is another example of a pissant with no tolerance for anything that "invades my space,man" syndrome that's swept the nation.  It is somewhat ironic that the champion of these wretched people, the ACLU, sprang from an ideology espousing collectivism, with no room for the individual.  I'm speaking of course of communism, the ACLU's birth mother.  And Mark?  You're a cancer.


Anonymous said...

I'm not an American yet (Working on it though, and I will do it legally), I hate the ACLU for all it stands for, and think maybe it's time for people to take a stand against the commie, free speech haters (Unless it's their own that is).

Anonymous said...

>>...said Studler, 49, a construction worker.

What kind of construction?!? All the construction workers I know are real God & Country types, similar to Country music fans. (As the Ditsy Twits discovered, the hard way -- their fan base evaporated overnight after Natilie whatever shot off her big mouth overseas and the fell from top of the charts to nowhere.) Something doesn't click here... I've never encountered a Truthers out there welding, digging foundations or framing buildings. Not saying it can't happen, but the libs of the world are usually the self-proclaimed "intellectuals". You know the type -- overeducated, with an ego to match. College profs, computer nerds, and at the other extreme the welfare hoes and the public school losers who are so ignorant that they will fall for anything Rosie tells them, so long as she's passonate about her beliefs.

I'm betting this guy has the new Dixie Chicks album.

Hope his coworkers don't find out about his attempt to interfere with the license plate. Workplace accidents (falling bricks, forklift, etc.) are a serious risk.

Anonymous said...

Bravo anon 12:57...My sentiments exactly.This guy's no construction worker.He's probably NACWBASAP (not a construction worker but a state assembly page)The only construction he's done is trying to give some State Senator an erection.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the ACLU is getting worked up over half a quote. "In God We Trust" is followed by "All Others Pay Cash" and it's the title of the book by Jean Shepherd. The book that morphed into the movie "A Christmas Story". Shepherd was, by the way, a native of Indiana. So the plate is perfectly fitting as a tribute to Shep.


Anonymous said...

Fine-- as long as the state gives $25.00 per plate to religious groups.

It wouldn't make sense for the state to charge extra and then keep the money, not when they give it away for the other tags. Fair is fair.

I wonder what the ACLU thinks about that idea. I'd bet dollars to donuts that they'd oppose it.

Anonymous said...

He is one of these people that have to cause a problem.

skh.pcola said...

artist formerly known as...

That's the best idea for refuting this particular ACLU FUBAR, evur. As in, "since time began."

Anonymous said...

Studler, huh? Let's see:

"Fort Wayne, Ind". Nope, not studly.

"renewing his specialty license plate". Not studly.

"touts his support...". More gay than studly.

"environmental issues". Heh, now I'm giggling.

"express his love ". Anti-studly.

"donated to ... a state conservation group." Not studly.

"But he objected..." Wow, didn't see that coming. Studs don't object, they pull the trigger.

"felt also qualified as a specialty plate" Not studly, more upper East Side tosh.

"I don't have any problem with people expressing their religious beliefs". Not studly, yet wait for it:


Anonymous said...

"Construction Worker" is Hoosier code for second guy from the left in the Village People. They are shy about sexuality, and the farm animals are appreciative.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone here ever been to Fort Wayne? What a dump

Anonymous said...

Thanks, skh. I thought it was a pretty good idea, myself.

It's too bad it'll never happen. The state governments are too afraid of an ACLU "separation of church and state" lawsuit. They seem to have forgotten that governments exist to serve us-- and that includes all of our needs, including spiritual.

To paraphrase from the Federalist Papers: the 1st Amendment was meant to protect religion from the government, not the other way around.

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