Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Let's sue OPEC!

Children Playing Grown-up

I think this is a useful exercise.  When you see this Drudge  banner, what's the first thing that comes to mind?  If you said, "Holy crap, we're going to drill ANWAR!" it means you're the self sufficient type, which is to say not a Democrat.  But of course Democrats control the House, so anything as sensible as drilling ANWAR is out of the question.  So, what is it they're going to do?  Why sue OPEC, of course. 

I know it does no good whatever, and even opens me up to charges of being childishly deranged,  to call congressional Democrats dickweed assholes with no sense what makes things run in a modern world, but it will make me feel ever so good. 

(What? I just did) 


MoFiZiX Gr4FiX said...

...and deservingly so.

Until we gain back control of congress, we are cursed to live in this current political purgatory.
Right now Reid and Pelosi are having way too much fun making Baby Jesus cry. Ohhhhh, the wailing and gnashing of teeth!!!

Anonymous said...

I saw Reid talking on the tube explaining why they are going to have to send the commander in chief a clean bill for our military. It says something about a party where this bufoon could rise to this prominant of a position. What it says is not good or wholesome.

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