Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Petard Hoist


This is utterly brilliant.  The same tactic can work on any number of liberal programs involving taxes, health care, the economy, and Immigration ... you name it.  Call their bluff by setting benchmarks incorporating their own theory, where the winner prevails based on actual performance.

Grilled Celt


Anonymous said...


Can you imgine some one sat down and thought that garbage out and really, reallly, reallllly, expect to be taken seriously.

They live in the land of SelfDelusion with the people who think there will be no terrorists if we leave Iraq and abandon Israel.

Lots of blame to go around but the two biggest slices have to go the teacher's unions for their despicable trashing of public schools and the left dominated media that perpetuate the ridiculous crap children learn in public schools.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

you're disagreeing with the proposal?

Anonymous said...

Oh cool . . . !!! Bean-counters like my soon-to-be-ex-brother-in-law will love it!!!

This should be called the "Accountants Full-Employment Act".

Anonymous said...

This ignores two very important possibilities:
1.) What if the two (global warming and atmospheric CO2 levels,) are not linked, but increase at the same time due to coincidence? Then we'd be well and truly f*&#ed, but for no good reason. Otherwise, it's a novel idea.
2.) What if rising CO2 levels are cause by a coinciding increase in man-made CO2 production? i.e, what if increased atmospheric CO2 comes from increased volcanic activity or a decrease in bio CO2 -> O2 production?


Anonymous said...

Sorry, that should be
2.) What if rising CO2 levels are not caused by a coinciding increase in man-made CO2 production?


Rodger the Real King of France said...

Aren't y'all missing the point? It cannot be implemented because the left sees it for what it is .. a trojan horse.

Anonymous said...

And what are they trying to sneak in using this garbage as cover?

Anonymous said...

I get the point of it, I'm just pointing out that even if the left agreed to it that there are serious flaws. I do like the fact that it exposes, once again, that the left is not serious about coming up with a rational solution, but we already knew that. Anyone paying attention already knows that. I would have preferred that this proposition had taken care of the concerns I pointed out, such that I could actually support it instead of just using it to point out the left's perfidy.

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