Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Asshat

The Trouble With Harry

It's been awhile since I tempered the vitriol I display for democrats on this blog.

 It seems like most of the people I know are democrats, and liberal 'crats at that!. A lot of that is because Maryland 's only real industry anymore is government, and servicing it.  Anyway, all of these people are warm, caring people.  I mean that.   However, blend that with the smug sense of moral superiority and entitlement that ALL liberals have, and you have a problem in some situations, one of which is dealing with national security.   This morning's Las Vegas Sun  [Reid's obligation] paints a grand picture of senate warrior Harry Reid.  If we are to believe him, and we have every reason not to, here's why Harry is so determined to cut funding for the war against Islamo fascists in Iraq.

Reid spoke about what has become known as his Walter Reed moment - a visit in March to the Washington, D.C., military hospital when he was so moved by injured soldiers that he dramatically shifted his own position and called for cuts in war funding.

Isn't that nice.  If you're a freaking Carmelite nun!  Oh, did I mention that liberals have a moral imperative to lie through their asses if it advances the cause?  Because Harry was calling for withdrawal a long time before his Walter Reed epiphany. Couple that with Bill Richardson's plans for "rebuilding shattered ties to the Muslim world," and you have a good sense of what we face with these people running things.  Annihilation.


Anonymous said...

"Silly Boy. Of course you can't have a swell pair of riding briches like mine. You want a slap up side the head?"

Firehand said...

More like "Heal up, dammit! We've got lots more Nazi bastards to kill."

Anonymous said...

So Reid saw some wounded soldiers and lost his nerve.

Sure, it's a lie, but it's such a plausible lie.

What's that line from It's in the Koran? Something like "when those opposing us panic, and surrender once a few of them have bled"?

Harry's making it come true, even if the has to lie to do it. The man is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Do yu mean this song?

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