Saturday, July 21, 2007

I have an idea!

Mail Call

Say Rodge, it's pretty much agreed that about 50 Democrat Senators should be hanged for treason, but here's the holdup.  Internal polling shows that the American public would get bored watching the interminable perpwalks as each individual senator was marched to a waiting noose.  And the attendant whine from the drive-by media as each neck was snapped would be untolerable.  Do you have any ideas? 

High ranking DOJ Guy

Thanks DOJ Guy.  Let me think about it.


Anonymous said...

Why are your talents being wasted on this blog?
There's a few folks over at TIME needing your assistance. So get to building!

Anonymous said...

You know the French had this same problem during their revolution - hence the guillotine invention. Rodger, I thought I saw one last time I was at the barn- maybe we need to dust it off.


Anonymous said...

Senator Joseph Lieberman may or may not be a democrat. I vote that he does not hang.

Anonymous said...

It's quite an elegant design, but I see only 40 nooses. Will that be enough?

Anonymous said...

Kill them all. The Lord knows his own.

Anonymous said...

We should add ACLU members to the list, so 40 is prolly not enough.
It's a good start though. On second thought, forty every fifteen minutes or so adds up to a pretty big number after a couple of days. I wouldn't get bored.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

Still have to be loaded and unloaded individually...Can't someone come up with an automatic feed & reject?..Some sort of 'Leftomatic'?

Anonymous said...

The Gatling Gallows ...

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