Thursday, July 05, 2007

The Torch and Hillary - Crooks in Common

"Hillary is a felon"

My brain's been pestering me to do the remarkable comparison between Hillary Clinton's Peter Paul case, and Robert "The Torch" Torricelli's David Chang caper. This morning I gave in to brain and started collecting data. Whoa. It seems my brain's been down that road before.  Like 5 years ago.
Holy crap.  This thing has been in the works that long?  Since I started, allow me to continue.  There are updates.  BTW, I believe this sword hanging over Hillary's head is one of the reasons Democrats invented Barrack Obama.
Let's compare.

The Torch
Korean-American businessman David Chang was already serving a federal prison sentence for making illegal campaign contributions to Torricelli’s 1996 campaign.
Sen. Robert Torricelli, despite  being accused of accepting money from a man  already convicted of giving him that money, blithely ran for re-election.   Finally,  but only after polls showed the Torch would lose to the Republican challenger Doug Forrester, did the democrat party "convince" him to bow out.  The Torch was never prosecuted.

Her Filthiness
Hollywood mogul Peter Paul has multiple convictions for everything from drugs to securities fraud.  Like every other well heeled crook at the time, he was trying for a Clinton pardon.  His method of payment: funneling illegal campaign contributions to Hillary.  He ran a fundraiser,nominally to thank Bill for his great presidency, but in reality for Hilly.

Two days after the gala, the Washington Post publicized Paul's criminal record, and Hillary Clinton denied knowing Paul and "vowed not to take any contributions from him". Through her official spokesman, Howard Wolfson, Hillary stated on August 16, 2000 that she would return $2,000 she reported receiving from Paul in June 2000, and would not have anything further to do with him. [Wikipedia]
It wasn't $2000.  It was $700,000, and she didn't return, or report it. Clinton’s National Finance Director David Rosen was indicted over it.  Hillary claimed she was not involved in the fund raiser, and knew nothing about it. 

Knowingly soliciting a contribution of $25,000 or more is a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. In a lawsuit against Hillary, Paul produced a smoking-gun videotape showing Hillary Clinton expressing enthusiasm about the event and telling Paul to contact her aide any time to further plan details. Incredibly, the California courts are so far not allowing that videotape to be used in court, as part of a lawsuit filed by Paul. The national media have ignored the case, so there has been no public outrage.  What a surprise
Notwithstanding more than six years of consistent allegations made by Hillary’s largest donor that Hillary broke campaign laws and then obstructed all investigations into her illegalities - causing the unnecessary indictment and trial of her campaign functionary, David Rosen for supposedly hiding information from Hillary that she in fact had full knowledge of- Hillary has never been accountable.
Incredible.  David Rosen, just as Webb Hubbel had earlier, was willing to take prison, and loss of his good name and career, to save a Clinton.  Webb was repaid with Riady cash; we don't know yet what Rosen received,  (He is still breathing,however).
Paul has a website,  I assume the video we have below is the same video that is not working on his site.  Lots of  good info there however.

Place this everywhere

More Stuff for Federal Prosecutors and New York Times Reporters HERE.


Anonymous said...

Can't get this to play on Firefox or IE. Think it's been sabotaged???

Rodger the Real King of France said...

It's non-operative until it's released to the public. Evidently there's something blocking it now, like a court order? If anyone gets a working copy, please, I want it.

Anonymous said...

Fucking UTube Commies, won't load.

Rodger the Real King of France said...


Anonymous said...

Imagine if HRC had to withdraw. Barack and Edwards. Oh My God, it would be the best.

Unless Gore got in. A true 3 ringer. Non stop hilarity. Thompson/Steele would be a lip lock.

Anonymous said...

In Ninth Circus Territory, they'll call it a "No controlling authority" kinda deal. After all campaign finance law is "an evolving paradim" like no harm no foul man.

Anonymous said...

There is, however, plenty of video info while we await this particular one, over here:

Anonymous said...

Your Majesty, YHM that should please you.

Anonymous said...


You mean to you need to SEE a video to know that the Hildabeast is a felon?

Anonymous said...

Who's the little 'happie' off camera doing the commenting?..Is that coming from underneath Peter Paul's desk?

Anonymous said...

Sept. 7, 2007 - Calif. Appellate Court will hear arguments whether Hillary is to be brought into the Paul v Clinton case as a defendant. If not, trial goes forward against Bill and discovery can begin. She will finally be under oath. In her deposition, Paul has 5 hours of home video to show. She is not going to be able to get away this time with "I don't recall." This woman is the most evil, dangerous, cold-blooded, and manipulative politician this great republic has even encountered. Other than that, luv ya, Hill.

...Doug from Upland

New whistleblower site:
Since the mainstream media refuses to report on the court case or her four false FEC reports, we are hoping that an army of bloggers can do the job of Truth Boating Hillary. Thanks for your help.

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