Friday, November 09, 2007

Bad Guy Gets Shot

Bill Lamb -Real American

''But Rodge, what if I disagree?'' It means you're a sorry-ass MFCS. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

Was he a bad guy for having a handgun? For being in an alley? How do we know he shot the cop first, and why are we not supposed to ask? If I shoot a ski-mask wearing stranger in my living room, at 3am, as he was trying to stab me and my family, I will still be questioned, and depending on my city or state of residence, I could end up locked-up. This guy, if he had the chance, would be questioning my decision to shoot the perp, how did I know his intentions, what makes me morally superior to that poor bastard, why do I get to choose who lives or dies. The "only ones" notion, the Government over Citizens mentality. We see it now more often. Buy Ammo. Lots of Ammo!

Anonymous said...

"Sum'a bitch never had a chance."

Judge Roy Bean after shooting the original Bad Bob in the back with a rifle from a hay loft.

There is no such thing as a fair fight outside of the square circle.

Anonymous said...

Bad Bob had it coming, too.

Rodger the Real King of France said...


... the narrative begins with a string of "undisputed facts," one of which is that old Terrance - the "bad guy" - was brandishing a gun which caused a citizen to call the police. Right? So, what part of the rest of this story do you have a prollem with?

Anonymous said...

"brandishing a gun" calls have occurred because of open carrying, (or conceal carrying and your jacket riding up).

While this case seems pretty clear cut, the overwhelming historical data of atrocities individuals with the power of the state have committed against the innocent, I would think we would all want to look at these situations with a questioning eye.

Don't feel bad though. The "it-could-never-happen-here" crowd existed in Germany too. I suppose it revolves around state-pride, or just being a good citizen, better known as state-worshiping. Although some would surely regard themselves as true patriots.

Anonymous said...

(Oh Crap! I accidentally first posted this under the article I got the quote from when it was supposed to go here.)

Dear Ninny-Moose, of course we must verify that what the cop says happened happened. The story is about those people who, when they hear this story, automatically assume that the cop is the villain. Yes, it happens sometimes but it is rare.

This sounds like an open and shut case of suicide by cop. The cop identified himself, told the guy to put his gun down. He didn't. Boom! He's dead. It doesn't matter who shot first. The criminal doesn't get a free shot.

I suspect that this line from a couple of days ago will become the most useful quote I have ever gotten from C&S; "For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible." Liberals are just brain-damaged and there is no point in even talking to them.

LifeBeginsAt200MPH said...

"For those who understand, no explanation is needed. For those who do not understand, no explanation is possible", and, if I might add...

For those who CHOOSE not to understand, no explanation is necessary or deserved.

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