Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Franken, kiddies, I don't give a damn

 Franken to pay $70K in back taxes

File Photo

Franken is known for saying that Karl Rove and Lewis Libby should be “executed,” called Rush Limbaugh a “big fat idiot,” threatened to sue the author of a book about liberal hypocrisy, and demonstrated his support for free speech by physically assaulting a heckler at a political rally.  Oh, and the $850,000 diverted from a Boys and Girls club to Air America, a scam Franken admitted knowing about. Now the candidate for a Minnesota US Senate seat  "forgot" to pay taxes. going back to 2003.  I misjudged Franken.  He belongs in the Senate.


Anonymous said...

The miracle of mirth.

Anonymous said...

FU Rodge,
not our Senate, at least not from MN...Off with his head.

Ummmmm his Rodger, not yours

Anonymous said...

It's not just taxes. He also failed to pay workers compensation premiums for his staff.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, on looking at that image I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Anonymous said...

Und zo,mein fellow zientists hier at ze Institute,vat yu zee before yu, ist der rezults uf ein griminal experiment.Ein heinious choke on Mannkind.Der outkome uf un illicit pervormance uf "INEFFICACIOUS SEMINATION"........Mein Gott!...As dey zay in Amerika, "Schit in, schit out."

Anonymous said...

The above comments were delivered by Dr. Cecil P. Mengele at the Frank Enstein Institute.....Dr. Mengele further stated that NO such demonic or perverse experiments would EVER be undertaken at the Institute, now or in the future.(AE Newman Press International)

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