is astounding. Two years ago that rascal Bonzo Livermore asked me
if I'd ever heard of a "Sophie Marceau," picture attached? No, I
had not, but suggested that hers was the nip-slip of all time, which is
how he presented it. Beginning about 9-10 months ago, my
bandwidth usage began spiking - 500-600% on a somewhat regular
basis. It's happening again. I checked my Web stats, and
once again, the Nip-slip post has drawn 6,978 unique hits over the past
30 days. I don't know what triggers these frenzies, if I did, I'd
bottle it. Since the old Terpsboy site is corrupted, and can't be
edited, I can't even put a Pay Pal deal on the boobage.
Sheesh. Needless to say, anything titled This Sophie Marceau nip-slip is the champion of all nips-slips will prolly display nippleage. Fair warning.