Saturday, April 26, 2008

Soapy Marsow

Sophie, what good is she doing me?

This is astounding.  Two years ago that rascal Bonzo Livermore asked me if I'd ever heard of a "Sophie Marceau," picture attached?  No, I had not, but suggested that hers was the nip-slip of all time, which is how he presented it.  Beginning about 9-10 months ago, my bandwidth usage began spiking -  500-600% on a somewhat regular basis.  It's happening again.  I checked my Web stats, and once again, the Nip-slip post has drawn 6,978 unique hits over the past 30 days.  I don't know what triggers these frenzies, if I did, I'd bottle it. Since the old Terpsboy site is corrupted, and can't be edited, I can't even put a Pay Pal deal on the boobage.  Sheesh.  Needless to say, anything titled This Sophie Marceau nip-slip is the champion of all nips-slips  will prolly display nippleage. Fair warning.


Anonymous said...

The formula is simple:

1. Pick a well-known and attractive female personality, with an available nip-slip picture.

2. Use photoshop to enlarge it to ungodly proportions.

3. Watch the hits roll in.

4. Send me a check.

However, this is the 21st century. Now, you'll have to photoshop naked beavers, a la Paris, Brittney, etc. etc.


cmblake6 said...

I don't think that was a photoshop. I've seen those in my time, ahem. Delicious!

Anonymous said...

My right eye just got poked! But that's ok!

alwaysFresh, neverFrozen

Anonymous said...

yes, it is a photoshop. check out the original in the link rockville posted. personally, I think the photoshopped one is a little.... scary!

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