Friday, May 16, 2008


Comparing Coverage of Industrial Production Declines: 2008 v. 2000-2001
By Tom Blumer | May 16, 2008 - 00:01 ET

The Federal Reserve reported Thursday that April industrial production fell, the second negative reading in the past three months. Specifically, February and April fell by 0.7%, and March showed an increase of 0.2%.

In May 2001, that same report showed that production fell for the seventh consecutive month.

Seasonally adjusted data from the Fed indicates that industrial production during those seven months (October 2000 through April 2001) fell 2.6%.

During the past seven months (October 2007 through April 2008), industrial production has fallen 1.7%.

Guess which set of circumstances generated more talk of recession?


Juice said...

I'm in retreat mode. Little news, but mostly avoiding it since knowing doesn't change a thing.

--Kind of like voting.--

Voters place initiatives on the ballots (at our tax dollars expense) only to have lame ass liberal-tarded judges overturn the results and progress the (commie) agendas of their favor.

CA prop 187, to deny persons here illegally social care programs (welfare/medical). Passed in 94, denied by Fed judge in 98. Anyone recognize the deep shite this state is in and how they plan to pay for this now? HuH?

CA prop 22, passed in 2000, preventing same sex marriages, recognizing marriage as between a man and a woman. Overturned by CA Supreme Court, March 15, 2008.

Even a state, as seemingly extremist as CA, passed prop 22. Fking court over turns the will of tax paying citizens. The same ones, BTW, who foot the bill for their ass sucking pay checks. You know what?

Phuck them all! My vote means jack shite! There. I said it. They are all crooked, lying sacks of shit.

All that being stated, we're working the polls June 3, 2008. Yeah, to protect the voting process of the citizens of this state. Whose votes will be overturned at a later date.
What a Fking joke. yeah, just a little bitter today.

Anonymous said...

My sympathies and condolences, Juice. Been in that doldrum many times this election.


Juice said...

I've always honored your high road ability not to descend into the profanity of myself. Thank you and Himself for your sensitivities and patience. I am the ABCDEFUCK.
God Bless,

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with my lovely Juice, except it was May 15, 2008. She was so mad she typed the wrong month. Waiting to be beamed up Boss.

Mr. Juice

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