scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
If I were in the Clinton camp, I'd want this to pop two to three weeks before the convention. Were I in the McCain camp, I'd want it to blow up after the d's meet and select the Obamassiah.
The reason the borders look different on the two certificates is because the non-Obama version has been greatly under-exposed in a graphics program to capture the detail of the seal which otherwise would be very hard to see. That's why the type is also much thicker.
Ray, take the obama certificate and "under expose it" in any photo manipulation program you care to use.
What you will get will resemble nothing like the border on the second certificate.
As for myself, I'm wondering when the Clintons will jump all over it. Perhaps she's waiting until after Obama has paid her bills first?
pdwalker wrote:
"Ray, take the obama certificate and "under expose it" in any photo manipulation program you care to use.
What you will get will resemble nothing like the border on the second certificate."
Ok, I've done that and the type goes thicker as expected but it messes up the background, so it means only one thing -- that the non-Obama certificate was made with an entirely different set of artwork with a 'stippled' border (composed of circular or elliptical dots). That's why it looks so different. The Obama image has however been verified by the Health Dept in Hawaii as being "exactly the same" as what they use so there's no point in anyone arguing about the apparent flaws in the border.
I did some work on this Ray, and posted it as an addendum.
rodger said:
"I did some work on this Ray, and posted it as an addendum."
Yes, I was mistaken. I took the dots for a moire pattern caused by the equivalent of under-exposure, but as I later said - it's actually a stipple.
I disagree about type not thickening. Type always thickens when under exposed, either photographically or by it's equivalent in a graphics program.
You might like to compare the "Smears" version of Obama's certificate with Kos's high quality version (after converting the Smears one to the same resolution of 300 ppi). They are a perfect match [Chop a bit off one of them so you can see the type line up]
Invisible seal:
I've conducted my own test and found the 'invisible' seal and the written certification by the Registrar. It's in exactly the same position on the page as was claimed by one of the bloggers, although my image is not as good.
I wasn't convinced it was really there until I actually found it myself.
Here's a scoop for your blog: I've just found a rough way to find the seal and certification by the Registrar in both of Obama's JPEG's (the 72ppi version on the Smears site and the 300 ppi version on Kos's site).
If anyone has Photoshop go ->
Menu/Image/Adjustments/Levels, then
grab the left slider which is directly *under the graph* and slide it all the way across to the right.
The seal is above the date and the registrars rubber stamp and signature is below the date almost touching the border.
I just don't get it. Even if he was born in Kenya what difference would that make? His mom was an American. Yes I know she was young, but that makes no difference under the law.
And even if we can prove he was lying about where he was born, it will just make us pleased with ourselves. The media will not report it, or perhaps claim immediately that the story has been "discredited". Count on it.
We have to win this by voting.
It matters because his underage mom does not meet the residency requirements that would allow her to pass U.S. citizenship to little Barry Hussein. You can be sure donk lawyers would fight this, but it would be a fight that would consume him.
As far as the documents go, I'm pretty much exhaused without having the actual documents. Let's start with these two questions.
1. Why has no "comtrolling authority" moved to settle this?
2. What does Jay McKinnon dumping several Haiaiian birth certificates in the same place, and same moment is Obama's was plucked by Kos (KOS!!) mean to you?
3. Why is the registration number blacked out?
Answer these questions, and that'll be that, one way or another.
It's a bit hard to even think of something as preposterous as Obama being born in Kenya or anywhere else besides Hawaii AND trying to conceal it, but if something ~was~ amiss then the law should prevail.
Let's look at the situation back in 1960-61. His mother-to-be went to Hawaii with her parents at about 16 years of age. She started at university, then some time later she met a young Kenyan man who had left Kenya after winning a scholarship to improve his life in the U.S.
There was little chance that such a man would be able to go back to Kenya with a pregnant girlfriend and face the people who paid for his trip to Hawaii plus his education expenses. He could hardly have paid for 4 plane tickets (2 each way) himself in 1961 because international travel by plane was extremely expensive. Most people wouldn't have even entertained the idea of travelling there by plane.
Then we have Obama's mother - why on earth would a girl who had just come from Kansas want to go to Kenya for - to have a baby there instead on in Hawaii?
Then there's the parents - would they allow her to get a passport and travel when they knew she needed to study and knew Kenya was a dangerous place because of all the rebels involved in warfare?
Two years after Obama was born his Kenyan father split from his mother andleft Hawaii and continued his university studies in Conecticut.
Obama's mother then took up with an Indonesian student but he had to return to Indonesia in 1967 after civil war became imminent. He was either ordered back or had his visa revoked by the U.S. That's the only reason they went there.
The whole story makes perfect sense, and all this stuff about birth certificate deceit complete nonsense.
Young Obama was quite proud of having an Ameican passport when he returned to Hawaii in 1971 according to one of his schoolfriends. He wouldn't have had it if he had not been born in the U.S.
The problem is NOT Obama's birth certificate - the real problem is a black man potentially becoming president. and people are grasping at straws.
I prefer Hillary myself because there' no other Democrats available. I'm no Obama fan because even though he's got a good front - that's all it appears to be - a front with no real substance.
Has anyone stopped to think how stupid it would be for Obama to deceive people about who he is when he's fund raising? It would be grand larceny -- and that's without him ever presenting his actual paper certificate to a soul.
Rodger wrote:
"1. Why has no "comtrolling authority" moved to settle this?
2. What does Jay McKinnon dumping several Haiaiian birth certificates in the same place, and same moment is Obama's was plucked by Kos (KOS!!) mean to you?
3. Why is the registration number blacked out?
(1) Controlling authorities have already given Obama a special passport of very high value - which cannot be issued without the most extensive checking.
The media is not following it because it;s only a bunch of bloggers who haven't bothered to use logic as well as Photoshop.
(2) Kos ASKED the Obama team for a birth certificate and they gave it to him. They either gave him 2 JPEGS (72 ppi and 300 ppi) or just one aat 300 ppi and he made the lower grade one for his blog intro (with the larger one viewable by those who wanted it). Kos may well have made the low grade JPEG for the 'Smears' site to get them rolling.
Jay came along and just played a joke and basically SAID so at the time.
(3) There's nothing abnormal about blocking out an irrelevant certificate number. It's just a bit of privacy.
Answer these questions, and that'll be that, one way or another.
Ray, you programmed turkey, wtf? KOS asked Obama for a birth certificate? KOS? And the one he provided was then plucked off Photobucket? This thing stinks to high heaven, just like everything else about the Obamessiah. Go peddle your crap someplace else.
Some of us are avoiding it because it's retarded.
"There's nothing abnormal about blocking out an irrelevant certificate number. It's just a bit of privacy.
Pretty lame Ray. What does that mean?. Privacy from what, Ray? It's also bizarre that Obama, after ignoring media requests would suddenly, without notice, post it for a (excuse me) world class commie crotch sniffer like KOS? Is that the deportment we can expect from a *cough* President Obama?
Also arguing against Obama is his manufactured past. There is NOTHING about it that has been honestly presented. Nothing, So why would he change here?
skunksniffer wrote:
"Ray, you programmed turkey, wtf? KOS asked Obama for a birth certificate? KOS? "
No, he asked someone on the Obama team. He said so himself.
It would seem that the Obama team was about ready to release the birth record when Kos contacted them
Rodger wrote:
"Also arguing against Obama is his manufactured past. There is NOTHING about it that has been honestly presented. Nothing, So why would he change here?
The stuff that has been manufactured has been produced by his detractors - not by him or his supporters. This reminds me of the allegation about Al Gore "inventing the internet" It didn't happen
SondraK got out his bg red crayon and scribbled:
"Some of us are avoiding it because it's retarded."
At some point your avoidance techniques will start to unravel - probably half way through this 'Politifact' article that was written on 27th June.
Rodger wrote:
[Ray]: "There's nothing abnormal about blocking out an irrelevant certificate number. It's just a bit of privacy."
Pretty lame Ray. What does that mean?. Privacy from what, Ray?
Privacy that prevents would-be forgers from passing-off their handiwork as the real thing. If they don't have the correct number on a forgery they can come unstuck very quickly.
It's also bizarre that Obama, after ignoring media requests would suddenly, without notice, post it for a (excuse me) world class commie crotch sniffer like KOS
It's not bizarre at all. Obama didn't become the Presumptive Nominee until 3rd June, and if he hadn't done that, then very people would have cared where here was born.
Look if you want a decent conspiracy theory - why not try something that's got actual legs - like Australia's pilots, during WWII frantically warning of the Japanese armada heading towards Pearl Harbor "in scorpion formation" (an ancient Japanese war formation).
One third of that same armada bombed the hell out of Darwin, Australia on the way back, but it was kept secret for 60 years. All we ever knew was that "The Post Office was bombed"
Are you the best they have Ray? I hope so.
Looks like the Obama'tards are in full damage control mode, and screaching up a storm.
I posted a copy of Pam's post on my blog ... just to give you 'tards more stuff to worry about.
Don't bother posting a rebuttal there, Ray ... I pay for my bandwidth, so I am far less generous to fools than Rodge is.
Rodger wrote:
"Are you the best they have Ray? I hope so."
Apparently not, because someone just informed me that Obama's parents were married on 2nd Feb, 1961 at Maui, Hawaii - much to the displeasure of the Kenyan grandfather who wrote a scathing letter about it.
This means you've got a window of opportunity of 6 months and 2 days to somehow get Obama's married parents to Kenya for the birth.
Time is running out here -- has anyone contemplated a "3 hour cruise" and birth on Gilligan's Island. That's not in U.S. territory.
Kristopher frantically wrote:
"Looks like the Obama'tards are in full damage control mode, and screaching up a storm. [....]
Don't bother posting a rebuttal there, Ray ... I pay for my bandwidth, so I am far less generous to fools than Rodge is."
Ah, but Rodger is the real king of France, and from what I've heard you're only a legend in your own lunch time :-)
Ray - "Someone just told me ...?"
Do you understand that the whole prollem is that nobody, except for his cultists of course, believe anything he says at face value? He changes things daily, and offers unbelievable explanations for past sins. He's a liar, and surrounded by more of the same. Who in hell can afford to believe a guy who speaks through KOS, or Moveon.Org? Sheesh.
Rodger wrote:
"Do you understand that the whole prollem is that nobody, except for his cultists of course, believe anything he says at face value? He changes things daily, and offers unbelievable explanations for past sins. He's a liar, and surrounded by more of the same. Who in hell can afford to believe a guy who speaks through KOS, or Moveon.Org? Sheesh."
The guy's a politician - they're supposed to be like that - that's what being "political" is. The only thing he needs is American citizenship and votes
"Ah, but Rodger is the real king of France, and from what I've heard you're only a legend in your own lunch time :-)"
# posted by Blogger Ray
Please return and try again when you have completed your training in the art of Flame.
You have a ways to go.
Kristopher wrote:
"Please return and try again when you have completed your training in the art of Flame."
Flames (or ad hominem arguments) are the last resort of the incompetent.
Here's a JPEG which shows why the supposed forger, Jay, was not using real artwork for his joke.