Friday, October 17, 2008

Obama Internal Polling

The lying liars who lie ...
  Just below I discuss a  Philadelphia Enquirer article about sudden, and huge democratic gains in democrat voter registrations.  This WILK audio clip is of interest on three counts. --
  1. Sean Smith, Communications Director for the Obama-Biden campaign has exactly the speaking skills his boss displays when in cover-up mode, and off script.
  2. Sean Smith, Communications Director for the Obama-Biden campaign for the state of Pennsylvania tries to explain an accidentally sent email that discusses internal polling showing Obama up by less than 2 points.
  3. Here's the recent media polling on Pennsylvania that you and I get to see.
    10/15/08Muhlenberg/Morning CallObama 53% - McCain 37%
    10/13/08SurveyUSAObama 55% - McCain 40%
    10/12/08Muhlenberg/Morning CallObama 52% - McCain 38%
    10/11/08Muhlenberg/Morning CallObama 51% - McCain 38%
    10/10/08Muhlenberg/Morning CallObama 51% - McCain 39%
    10/08/08MaristObama 53% - McCain 41%
    10/07/08Strategic Vision (R)Obama 54% - McCain 40%
    10/07/08Muhlenberg/Morning CallObama 50% - McCain 38%
    10/06/08RasmussenObama 54% - McCain 41%



Juice said...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunatly, the SCOTUS is right.

Vote handling is a state matter, unless the congress passes an amendment to take over control of this. The states get to decide how Electors are chosen.

Unless you can prove an anti-slavery amendment violation, the feds have no say in this.

Anonymous said...

The tenth amendment/states rights isn't the reason the Supremes overturned the temporary restraining order. They shot it down saying the Plaintiff (Ohio GOP) probably won't win because the Help America Vote Act of 2002 doesn't create a personal cause of action for private entities like the Ohio GOP. Evidently the Supremes believe only the federal government can sue the Ohio secretary of state to enforce the HAVO of 2002.

The Supremes specifically said they weren't ruling on whether or not Brunner was complying w/ HAVO.

The bottom line is unless the FBI or some other federal agency steps in, the Dems have now been given the green light to commit voter fraud in Ohio.

BTW, you'll never guess who the Justice was most likely to have sided w/ Brunner. It was probably John Roberts.

In 2002, Roberts defended Gonzaga University from a lawsuit where a student tried to get Gonzaga's federal funding cut off for violating the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act. Roberts won saying the statute didn’t create a private cause of action. Rehnquist is the one who wrote the opinion.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't aware of that act Chuck ... thanks for the info. I suppose it could be justified under the 17th amendment.

But if the executive branch won't act, we're basically screwed.

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