Thursday, November 06, 2008

Carl Cameron- Palin Assassin

Palin Assassins

I began our first post election day entry yesterday on the  shameful attempt by the "Republican Party elite" to poison Sarah Palin's well.   Ace is building a nice portfolio of the continued goings on, and he's as pissed-off as I.

Most surprising to many is the role FNC's Carl Cameron is playing in this attempt to destroy Sarah.  Here's my best guess about what's gong on.

In the last week of the campaign, Fox News was thrown off the Obama plane for having the audacity to criticize him.  Having enjoyed unusual access to the Bush White House for the past eight years, access that prolly gained him a certain standing amongst the White House  Press Corps, Cameron is now suddenly faced with playing Helen Thomas to Obama. In short, he has to do something to please the Obamessiah.  Don't laugh, there's precedent for self-serving ass licking by the media.  (Yes, really).

Early in the Clinton Administration, 60-Minutes examined Hillary Clinton's cattle future activity - that earned her 100,000 on a $1000 investment.  The report left no doubt that Hillary had been the bag lady for payoffs from Tyson's Food,  arranged by James Blair, a friend, lawyer, and outside counsel to Tyson.  CBS was immediately placed on the Clinton do not visit list.  That led to Dan Rather's pitiful "If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and Hillary Rodham ... " barf inducer.
CBS never did another Clinton investigation  until the Impeachment.
“If we could be one-hundredth as great as you and Hillary Rodham Clinton have been in the White House, we’d take it right now and walk away winners....Tell Mrs. Clinton we respect her and we’re pulling for her.”
— To President Clinton, via satellite, at a May 27, 1993 CBS affiliates meeting, referencing his new CBS Evening News co-anchor Connie Chung.
Maybe Brit Hume's retirement announcement is the result of his realization that all media will eventually go in the tank for access?  

A caller to a local radio show this morning identified himself as being involved with the RNC.  According to him, he early on suggested that polling showed America wanted change, and the best ticket would be Sarah Palin and Michael S. Steele, who had been Maryland's much respected Lt. Gov. That set off a whirlwind of anti-Palin activity, led by Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, to name two.  The same elements are working behind the scenes now to destroy their most formidable competition in 2012. 

Of course this is hearsay, but it does comport with what I'm seeing, and what common sense I have. It's been 28 years since a political figure energized me to the point of becoming a True-Believer, but Palin has. Anybody who screws with Sarah unfairly is dead to me.


K-nine said...

"Bush White House for the past right years"

I know it's a typo, but that's funny.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Yes ... prolly should have left it, all things considered.

Anonymous said...

Let me see if I read this correctly. In the middle of the country's historic financial crisis, McCains staffers and snooty pundit repubs were upset that the Fiscally (capital F) Conservative (capital C) gov. doesn't know a few jeopardy facts about foreign governments, that gives them the right to totally diss on her? Bottom line, McCain did not or his staffers certainly did not want to win.

oy yoy-yoy vey ole'

Anonymous said...

Rush is nailing this as 1210 eastern...

"McCain jumped all over anyone who used obamas middle name, his association with ayers etc.. WHERE IS HE NOW?"

As I said before, I'm going to push my local republican club to draft and send a letter of support to Gov Palin , and copy the national, state and county GOP.

If you are active in your local GOP, do the same thing. If you aren't active, join and then push it.


Rodger the Real King of France said...

The Republican Party that exists today is the enemy. I'll never forgive them for McCain.

Anonymous said...

I've been fed up with fox news for the past couple of weeks. I used to be able to watch for extended periods, but am now switching off in short order. It seems as though they moved left when they saw that McCain was not going to do what was necessary to win.

I saw Cameron doing a hatchet job on Sarah and wondered why. Some thing has gone very wrong at a network that gives Huckabee his own show.

Thomas M.

Anonymous said...

Sarah Palin - Michael Steele...

I am getting a thrill up my leg!

Anonymous said...

Cameron pulled this same shit during the primaries - he treated Fred's campaign like crap and then after Fred dropped out - came up with that BS top secret story about Fred never really wanting to be President but VP instead to CYA for his bad behavior.

Michelle Malkin has an online form where you can go to say Thank You to Sarah.

Sarah Palin is the only reason this race was as competitive as it was!


Anonymous said...

I don't want to be a Gloomy McWetblanket, but there is no way the dems will let us elect Lady Palin. They will clog the primaries and we will end up with another McCain.

Unless she runs unopposed.

-Reverend Jim

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Matter of fact, since this whole election seems to have been scripted from the beginning, the New York Times unwavering prediction of an Obama blow-out was probably supposed to be Act V. Palin nearly upset the applecart altogether.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

fkn mixed metaphors

Anonymous said...

To sanitize a joke I just heard, how are politicians like apples? They both look good hanging from trees. The Real America (TM) needs to get past this "let it slide" attitude and get angry. I caught a show this weeken, Bach at Auschwitz, and the prisoners arriving were overheard by prisoner/musicians to comment that, "Oh, this isn't so bad, there is an orchestra playing and we don't have to carry our own baggage from here." Thirty minutes later they would be dead as the orchestra played on ... This attitude of "oh, it isn't so bad" is just so, so McCain. America, you were just roofied. Now what are you going to do about it ?
- Vice Sgt Boone

Anonymous said...

After the 2004 election, in their "How he [Bush] did it" issue, Newsweak had an article about Obama and how he would be a President some day. He was chosen to run back then.

(BTW, I am still waiting for the birth Certificate, Resco, or Obama's associations with Ayers to lead McCain to victory)

Anonymous said...

McCain has always been a looney liberal barking moonbat.

I cringed each and every time he said the word maverick, dammit. His maverick reputation came from stabbing his party in the back and rejecting conservative principles to vote across the aisle with the leftists.

That's why he lost, because as scary as Obama is, there were republicans and conservatives out there who simply would not, could not, forgive him for that.

I had a pretty hard time with it myself. Especially watching him promote amnesty during the campaign, and promise global warming tax crapola, and offer up my tax dollars to pay some deadbeat's mortgage.

Well. Done bun can't be undone.

America survived Clinton and Carter. Maybe we'll survive Obama. Maybe not, its a dangerous world out there.

All I know is, I have one hell of a headache.

Anonymous said...


I'm DONE with those spineless MOFO's. The post-election savaging of Gov. Palin pushed me over the edge.

And just were IS McCain during all this?

Recently Revealed Fact: McCain's Indian name is "Votes With Democrats".

Rodger the Real King of France said...

Even the Hillary Democrats are with us on this one,

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