Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Today's Scripted Event?

Before being ordered by doctors to stop blogging - with what sounds like carpal syndrome - Texas Darlin' asked What did you think when you saw this? 

Since every move, tactic, and dotted i of Obama's campaign was copied from others, mostly (ironically ) from Bill Clinton, I thought of Hillary allowing rumors of her being pregnant to circulate in 1994.  Of course, Obama is now being sold as JFK in  Camelot II, so a White House pregnancy (Michelle does look a bit tummied, wot?)would be on script.  They don't want to follow it too far
though, do they?


Wabano said...

If the spawn don't fit

Got-ta-abort it!!!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does the Michelle dress resemble the markings of a Black Widow Spider? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, even a Target clearance rack would have a better selection. Maybe they stopped at a garage sale on the way.

Anonymous said...

That's her aborted baby explosion.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

When's he going to Dallas?

Anonymous said...

That dress...
I just keep thinkin' "Sweeney Todd's apron."

Anonymous said...

Wait until the world discovers that Mrs O'Vomit is really a transsexual. That boy's gonna have a lot of splainin to do.

SoylentGreen said...

Eh... if that happens, he'll just have her killed. Remember, this is Camelot...

Anonymous said...

I just don't want to see a baby punished with those two as parents.

Anonymous said...

Tks for that mental image, Herr Schlooooong.
[I'll getchew yet!]


Anonymous said...

Is it just me or does she look like a black widow?

Anonymous said...

If they stick t the script, the kid will have something wrong. The press will switch to 24-hour coverage of every move made by any member of our Chief Comrade. Should the child pass, the entire nation, according to the press will be in mourning.

Just recalling the last time this happened, that's all.

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