scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Proud to be one of fifty-eight million who didn't get suckered by The Messiah.
Me too Chuck. I wouldn't buy a used car from a say-nothing do-nothing lying bullshitter like Uhbama, never mind let him in the Oval Office.
Not even as a visitor.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Whew!...That Michelle gives me a maximum hard off.
Obama's win came because a majority of people in the country wanted "change." Why did they think we need change? Because of our highly unpopular President? Oh, you mean the President who has been hammered daily by the same media that annointed "The One"? the reason that everyone hates GWB is that Democrats and the media changed tack in the middle of the war because our deposing Saddam was looking like an (R)win in the 2004 election. All the congressional war supporters turned & the media trashed "this administration" (Now sounds like an expletive doesn't it?) GWB hasn't been the best president by far & I've had my fill of compassionate conservatism, but we haven't been attacked since 9/11 because one man said "Oh Hell no! You WON'T attack us on our own soil."
Don't blame me. I voted for Kim Jong IL.
lol, got that off a t-shirt.
I have no idea who my vote-tallying guy records that I voted for.
Those ObamaKrouts keep marching-back and-forth...
That ugly, and I mean UGLY bag does not have legs like that!
My Photochops are political cartoons. Anything goes.
Remember the "media-promoted-mood" about the utter despair of the anti-Bush people after the elections of 2000 and 2004? Some of them threatened to leave the country. None did. Some of them were so distraught that they sought therapy to relieve their angst. They probably did. Some of them had parties themed to "get Bush and his cronies" in any way that they could. They really, really tried. The movies, TV shows and endless number of books about the "stolen elections", "Bush lies", etc. have been non-stop.
Ya know, I can easily come up with a list of items that make Bush a less-than-perfect President in my view (position on illegal immigration and the border, didn't veto ONE spending bill until 18 months ago, his current acquiescence to these stupid and catastrophic bailouts, partnering up with Ted Kennedy on education, not once fighting back against the overt and incessant personal attacks --- his idea to "bring a New Tone to Washington" failed --- Was he that delusional? --- etc.), but the media and the Left have never stopped their drumbeat of criticism...not one bit. Ergo, Bush's approval rating is now in the 20-30% range. Oh, sorry. Congress' approval rating is in the teens.
So, now what do we have? In spite of the 80/20 positive media coverage of Obama, we have this philosophy.
Well, I say: Rally on!