Friday, February 20, 2009

Huffington - whatta chimp

RE: Holder's Blue Balls
What a Chimp
Nobody with half a brain Huffington Post: could believe the story that on-air news personality compared a public figure to a " monkey with a bright blue scrotum."  Can we agree on that?  Huff PO not only believed it, they repeated without verifying, because it fit the stilted view of FOX NEWS that they themselves have helped perpetuate.  As for me, a minor player in the business,  I can say that Holder is much improved  that way. I always saw him as a dickless asshole.


closed said...

Holder should prove, on air, that he does not have a bright blue scrotum.

Anonymous said...

I was reading the comments on the Huffington blog. It reminds me of Dan Rather. 'Just because it's not actually true doesn't mean it's not essentially true.'

These people are fucking crazy. If I ever get told I have a month to live or something...*Click click* Might as well go out doing my country a service.

Anonymous said...

HUFFPO and the Democrats get a case of the red ass over Holder's blue balls.Crimson faced when they discover they bought a yellow stripe lie.......Holder suffering from the letdown..Considering dyeing his sack.

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