Friday, February 20, 2009

Socks, RIP

Breaking news Socks, former First Cat, dies
Socks, aka Toonces,  former First Cat of President Bill Clinton's administration, was euthanized on Friday morning, Feb. 20, according to the famous cat's longtime caretaker, Betty Currie of Hollywood.

Socks had been suffering from cancer of the jaw.

"I'm miserable, miserable, miserable," Currie said in a Friday afternoon telephone call.

Toonces joins a long list of Clinton friends, enemies, and acquaintances also euthanized, many by airplane and car crashes.  [story]

Dr. Pubic Crab


Anonymous said...

"Toonces joins a long list of Clinton friends, enemoes, and aquaintances also euthanized, many by airplane and car crashes. "

I read that before the video. It wouldn't have made me crack up nearly as much if I hadn't seen it first. Put that at the top, Rodge. It's funnier that way.

AnnoyedOne said...

"Socks had been suffering from cancer of the jaw."

I'm calling bullshit on this. Socks committed suicide by running in front of multiple cars.

Anonymous said...

I hear he committed suicide.

'He stabbed himself in the back four times and through himself over a bridge.'

Juice said...

Fking A! Betty Curry? "Shades" of Clinton past. *tear*
Poor were nothin' but a "puppet"! HA!!HA!!

BTW, I *heart* Toonces.

MitchM said...

"Socks had been suffering from cancer of the jaw."

I hear it was caused by cigars.

Anonymous said...



Betty Curry moved down to my neck of the woods after Clinton was done. I had to go to her house several times for my job then. The first couple of times it was just her husnband that was home. Real nice guy. He was the one that pointed out that "That's Socks. Clinton's cat." I noticed he had 2 dogs around the house. I asked how THAT was working out. He said "Hopefully that cat'll be a snack for them soon...." Now I'm not sure if it was that he didn't particularly like cats or he didn't want the "cause celeb" that came with it or what. Just thought that Sock's demise would have come from the jaws of a Lab, but alas.....



Anonymous said...

Buddy was pushed!

Juice said...

Dr.HardCrab, Nice story. I guess because the dogs were Labs is why the "cause celeb" survived. They are smart and often gentle of mouth as any Retriever should be. That, and Betty feared she'd show in some park with a suicide note. >;)

Socks. What a name apparent for all puppets associated with those two.

Anonymous said...

When informed of the kittys demise, SoS Clinton replied, "Who the hell is Socks?".


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