Obama presidency not Legal? |
Soldier refuses order to Afghanistan, says Obama illegal president Army evidently agrees, rescinds order |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Obama presidency not Legal? |
Soldier refuses order to Afghanistan, says Obama illegal president Army evidently agrees, rescinds order |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Am I the only one who didn't watch the All-Star Game after the NIC took over the show? When his ugly mug and voice took over I turned the damn thing off. This disgusts me so much I am firing off a email to Fox and telling them I will not watch their sports programming any longer and then do it.
He has so many other venues - why ruin this one too? F^$# him and Rahm it up his butt.
So the DOA is doa?
They can revoke the orders this time, but when it starts happening again, and again, either the facts are supported in court, or the entire military turns into the Pentagon staff and a caterer.
Went down to the state capital this morning to get my anarchist rioting mayhem license, they are quite expensive and the line was out the door.
I don't remember EVER seeing POTUS in any of the broadcast booths at any games, much less the All Star game. As Bolivar noted, I was so irritated to see his smugness that I gave the set both fingers. Smirky bastid that thinks he can do whatever the Eff he wants to us, to our country, and there will be no retribution? I doan theen so.
I was PO'd to say the least.
Anon - 8:38
You owe me a keyboard!
I went to bed and got a good night's rest - the better to work productively today!
Instead of Cook monkey trial, how about Cook (the) jackass trial?
We may raise a stink to the sun, but it will change nothing. The Communist Party has control of the senate so there will be no impeachment. They are taking over the courts, and if Sotomayor gets onto the SCOTUS, republican government is finished, not to mention the republican party.
Kansas, a red state, has an uber liberal court thanks to the manuvering of Sebelius. Communism at its best? That was when the Berlin wall fell. One good day in a century.
wv lenoto. a twist on Lenin?
The thing that really bugs me about this particular case is that the Major volunteered for deployment in May (well after Hussein took office) and then began to fight the very deployment he asked to be sent on. The Army public affairs officer said “A reserve soldier who volunteers for an active duty tour may ask for a revocation of orders up until the day he is scheduled to report for active duty".
While the affairs office went on to say that he never asked for the orders to be pulled, it can easily be interpreted to be a case where the Army figured he changed his mind and pulled his orders for him. This case would be far more legitimate if he received deployment orders without volunteering (which is the way most service members receive orders) and then went on to successfully fight them (or mysteriously have his orders changed).
which is why I see the Scopes analogy. There are many ways to serve your country, and Cook IMO deserves the DSC, at least.
No, not you. The other Anon.
Reagan called part of one game from the booth, having been an old radio play-by-play guy.
This is a big deal.
The military has tried to nip it in the bud in this instance, but it will invariably become a recurring pattern.
I saw Obama throw the opening pitch last night and I couldn't help comparing his "wounded mallard" 20 mph pitch with the 65 mph fastballs that GWB would hum across the plate when he was doin the same honors.
Obama is a continual source of inspiration for beta males everywhere.
You didn't think the White House would take this lying down, did you?
Of course not. I can't say I'm surprised. Chicago-style politics as usual.