scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Speaking of euthinizing crackheads and people on welfare with 10 kids...why arent we?
Yeah, bf, that was my first thought, too. They should be glad I'm not in charge.
Even here in small county Texas, there are people who call the sheriff when they just hear a gun go off. mary
I'e used both methods, shot a horse because the vet was too lazy to come out on a Sunday. Taken most of the house pets to the vet and stood by holding them while they were put under. I'm sorry but the euthanization was much more humane for the friends.
I took a dog or two down to the canyon in my younger days. Having just put down my 14 year old weimaraner and my 16 year old shepherd in the last year, I wouldn't even consider it. Find a vet to come out to your house. Have his favorite snacks and cross over on the couch.
"I'm sorry but the euthanization was much more humane for the friends."
A single bullet in the apricot is painless, humane, and resourceful. It's also "euthanasia" (the act of killing someone painlessly).
I appreciate all your comments, and respect your POV, but I didn't intend to begin a plebiscite on how I handle my own problems.
This is a touching article by John Ross (of Unintended Consequences fame) about putting down his dog.
I am sorry that you are going through this.
Thanks. It is indeed hard, but something I've been through the precise number of times I've had a dog. Five. We go through it because the joy of having a good companion far outweighs the inevitable heartbreak. As if she knew I was troubled last night, Reagan's outside barking at squirrels. For now.
My sympathies to you and Reagan. There is not a good way to say good-bye to our pets.
Careful with your technique there Rodg, you don't want to compound your anguish with an awkward ricochet like I sincerely hoped happened two seconds after this guy took his stance.
Anyway, God bless, and good for you for manning up and recognizing the Wheel of Life does turn.
Turing word: sargskil
Well, I've helped a few pets "move on". I didn't like it, and much prefered when they passed in their sleep.
One, which was hit by a car, had a broken back, was in terrible pain, and the wait for the vet was not an option. I'd have rather shot the speeding bastard that left her in the middle of the road.
I'm facing the same thing right now too. Dorothy seems to be content, lying there, not eating for days, no obvious pain, just kinda floating over-sweetest dog I've ever had-got a spot picked out for her under my grape arbor. That'll make 6 buried on this property.
But if I do detect her in pain, I'll end it quickly. And as for paying a vet to kill my dog, I couldn't do that-she's my dog, I've had her in Montana, swimming all the rivers around Missoula and in Steamboat, wintering at 8500' and getting 25' of snow and swimming in both oceans and for the past 6 years living here in Golden, which she has loved-pay someone to kill my dog??
J. Edgar Hoover quote:
We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst.
(That's J. Edgar driving.)
Rodger, I had a cat that died of kidney failure, which is a horrible way to go. The last year was awful. I know now that I let him live too long and the poor old thing suffered terribly.
It finally reached a point where it was clear I had to do something -- he could no longer walk -- so I resolved to put him down the next morning. He died that night and found peace.
His long endurance of unnecessary suffering was my fault. I carry that grief with me and regret it. Almost makes me sick to think about it.
You're doing the right thing.
Anonymous at 8:54 PM, and you too Roger, it isn't easy. We had pretty much the same thing about a year ago with a cat we'd had for 16 years. My wife's best buddy, more like a dog really, and it had been a long one-way slide. He hated the vet with a passion, and the wife wasn't up all that drama, so I carried him down to the basement and rubbed his ears for quite a while before putting a 22-short thru his brain pan with an adequate backstop. He had no idea it was coming and it was immediate. And I acted about a week later than I should have, given his health. It was, for the record, one of the hardest thing's I've ever done, but infinitely easier on the old cat. I've had one vet to the house to put down a good dog, and that dog certainly did not enjoy the experience. Better to have taken him into the back yard and finished it myself, than to have called the vet who killed him in restraints. I've felt rotten about that for about three decades now. If anyone reading this thinks that dragging that cat to the vet, a trip which always terrified him, and letting that vet, who he hated, hold him one more time while killing him in a place that scared the bejabbers out of him, was somehow better for the cat, or that I did the right thing by my old dog many years ago, well words just fail. Other than to say that outsourcing your own distasteful responsibilities to the vet, at the expense of scaring hell out of some critter who has been a faithful family member, is totally reprehensible. And I don't mean that any other way than just exactly how I said it.
H - you've pretty much captured it for me. Thanks.
Kipling said it better than anyone:
my sympathies
Roger, I was afraid my little rant there was a bit over the top. But it was late and I clicked publish anyway. Thanks for the understanding and the little sandbox you have here, and mucho more time with Regan to you, sir.