At first mad, then happy
The gist was that since criminal law has expanded to the point where everyone
is some sort of a felon, the real action is in the area of
prosecutorial discretion — in choosing whom to prosecute from among
this population-wide mass of the guilty — where, in fact, due .... 
What the smart American is wearing
With Howard Dean on record as"hating all Republicans," is it fair to
say our gummint is in the hands of a street gang? Yes. Yes
it is.
Republicans Widen Lead Over Democrats on Generic Ballot ... lowest level of support for Democrats in recent years, while
Republicans have tied their highest level of support for the third
straight week ...
If the White House is trying to figure how it lost control of the
debate over healthcare in August, it could take a look at Glenn Beck’s
television and radio ratings. The conservative talk radio host, who
also has an hourly slot on Fox News every day, has seen his viewer
numbers soar even as opponents have pressed companies to withdraw
advertising from the show
Ezekiel Emanuel is
upset. The president's health care czar sees the growing resistance to
his vision, to his brave new world of government-run "communitarian"
health care in which politicians and bureaucrats control one-sixth of
the economy and 100% of our bodies. He doesn't quite understand how it
all came apart on him, but he does know who started the unraveling:
Sarah Palin.
” |
All's well that ends well.