Comma, Coma |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Comma, Coma |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Boazo/ozaob is MIA. So's Dammit Woman. But I especially miss Eros Total, sometimes known as ET.
I've been busy, but I'm still around. They won't take me without a fight.
Off topic but a good photoshop site
ozaoB is okay, nothing too serious. I will pass your concern along to him.
ET, phone home.
I miss the clown, too. Hurry back, funnyman.
I got Christmas Eve greetings from DW, she's whooping it up a lot these days. Much traveling and socializing in the real word. What a concept.
Mrs. Annoyed keeps threatening to get me one of those $20 hearing aids. I have 4 women in my house: 3 teens and one that thinks she still is, plus their friends. My hearing loss is a blessing.
I got a Silver Sonic too. They'll have a hard time sneaking up on us now.
For you younger readers, Motorcycles, large-caliber firearms, home made fireworks, and rock-n-roll are FUN, so go ahead and indulge.
The voice of experience says: Wear earplugs.
Yes Billll, but then you can't hear shit. When you got old, you don't want to hear shit, except the tv.
It's a hoot when my sweetieheart and I have a discussion, especially before that first morning cup o go juice. "Hah, what did you say?" "Oh, did you say something?" "Speak louder, I can't hear you!" ... and so on, until either we are just about nose to nose, or the tinnitus drops off just a bit.
On a side note, got the eldest step-son an electric guitar and amp (which he promptly took to his dad's house, on the holiday visit). Why should we have all the fun in trying to figure out what the other was saying.
Casca, give a pair of Peltor's "Combat Arms" earplugs a try. About $10-$15 bucks. Non-electronic, range commands and conversational voices are easily heard. The only times I feel an earmuff are needed with these are shooting under overhead cover, or next to somebody with a large caliber rifle equipped with muzzle break. I shoot two to four high power rifle matches a month March thru November with these gizmos and like them. Google for them and they should snap right up.
RE: What's an over-the-counter insulin counterpart?
Cinnamon may help control blood sugar levels. There is little or no downside to using it if you like the taste.
Jerusalem Artichokes or Sun Chokes are an easily grown veggie that contains a carbohydrate that does not require insulin for digestion. They remind me of water chestnuts.
Merry Christmas despite an Unhappy Obama New Year!
Take it from a type II diabetic, Rodge:
The only alternative to the various forms of insulin that actually work are carbohydrate control and exercise.
Body fat causes insulin resistance.
Eat more meat ( bacon! ) and fat, and less carbs. Walk a half hour each day with a backpack. Add one pound or so of barbells to the pack every few weeks. Think of it as Barn Army training.