Wednesday, March 31, 2010

In Passing

In Passing
Answers to Jeopardy Questions  in 2075

Spoken Like a Frenchman
Sarkozy to U.S.: Help regulate capitalism
(Better:  "Help regulate socialism")

A confused Joy Behar Would Like To Have Glenn Beck Neutered And Spayed
How about neutered, spayed, have his balls cut off, and ovaries removed?  Or, better yet, given a Zyklon B shower?
[Guess where Behar fall in this group?]

We told you what would happen if you gave the Democrats control. But did you listen? Nooooo!
[American Digest]

Experts shocked as Jamie Gorelick executes another massive fail
Sallie Mae spent $3 million on lobbyists last year, and got none of what they wanted.  Zero, zip, nada (largely because lobbyists like Tony Podesta and Jamie Gorelick screwed up...).

todaze Lympian quote o the ding dong day
"Any jobs lost due to the passage of this law should never have existed!"

CROWLEY: Enemies of the state
Administration smears some opponents, arrests others
[Alternative copy]
Panel: Keep old-fashioned light bulbs legal
AZ legislature strike blow against AGW induced nincompoopery.

U.K.: great moments in animal welfare law

“Great-grandmother given an electronic tag and curfew for selling a goldfish to a 14 year-old”, Telegraph:

The RNC Debacle
Whether or not RNC staffers share the very traditional beliefs on moral questions of the vast majority of their regular voters, the idea of partying at even "upscale" sex-themed nightclubs is quite obviously not only at the top of the stupid charts ... .


Anonymous said...

The "Enemies of the state" story has been removed.

Anonymous said...

I think they meant to say "moved".

Enemies of the State

JMcD said...

With the new ObummerCare, it's
"enemas of the state".

"If we want any crap oughta you, we'll..............."

Rodger the Real King of France said...

mary, et al -
Alternative copy

Anonymous said...

I love acronyms

Anonymous said...

Nothin like giant ants to ruin your picnic........... or Traitors......

Anonymous said...

As smart and beautiful as Monica Crowley is there may be some moonbattery in her family.
Her sister is married to Alan Colmes. The FOX resident liberal.

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