Will America Fall Without a Fight? |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Will America Fall Without a Fight? |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Isn't that what Virginia did when they passed a law through the legislature (signed by our governor) that NO Virginia could be forced to purchase health insurance?
Good for Napolitano.
I used to think that he was prima donna funny hair.
But, as of the last 4 or 5 years, I have come to really respect him as a fairly strict constructionist and defender of the Constitution.
It is refreshing to hear someone who views what goes on today through a Constitutional prism.
Define "forced".
When push comes to shove look for political weasels to claim that a "fine" isn't forcing. When non-compliant healthcare refusniks are hauled to prison for failure to pay the fine, the politician scum will claim their lack of action is supported by the law! "They were put in the federal pen for failure to pay taxes" not for failure to get specified healthcare...
All that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing!
Keep your powder dry, and practice, practice, practice!
Armageddon Rex
Gayle - I haven't seen the text. Let's say you I (I live in Virginia too) refuse to buy insurance, are assessed a fine by the IRS on next year's Fed tax. We don't pay the fine, we don't answer letters or go to the local IRS office when they request our presence. Will Gov. McDonnell or AG Cuccinelli arrest IRS agents or other Federal agents who come to our house to arrest us? Who will keep Fed agents from seizing our assets? It's very encouraging to say that the IRS will not/cannot imprison 5 million Virginians, but what happens when you and I are sentenced to ten years as an example to the others? Will McDonnell set out the Va National Guard to hold off the Revenuers coming to grab us? Judge Napolitano has a point.
IMHO, given Uhbama's propensity to do yet another outrageous thing almost every day, some governor needs to stop "sending a message" with words and escalate to an action, say close all IRS offices in the state, order all residents to remit Fed taxes to the state which will escrow them until the bill is repealed, etc. This Federal juggernaut will not be stopped until we strangle the Fed govt's ability to tax and spend without limit.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
I pray our states grow some balls.
They won;t have to come after you to get your health care premiums. They will deduct it from your tax refund.
What has to happen is a state government tells its banks not to remit witholding tax payments to Washington. Put National Guard in the lobby. No payments to Washington until Washington comes to us as an equal restrained by the Constitution. T-Bills will go to 17% no borrowing no spending new world.
Anon 7:58 If we change W-4 to ~12 dependents, there won't be any refund to withhold. A tax revolt is sounding more appealing all the time, but we need the state governors' assurance that he/she will stand behind it and won't allow the IRS or any Federal agent to come into the state to make an arrest or asset seizure in order to make an example of a few tax revolutionaries.
Lt. Col. gen. Tailgunner dick
I am still reading Hudson Strode "Jefferson Davis-Confederate President" (2nd of 3)and it is uncanny the parallel that I am seeing. De ja vu all over again. Lincoln was a ratbastid.
It is not easy reading but it has opened my eyes to the fact that the victor writes HIStory
Tailgunner: 9 dependents or less does not trigger an automatic audit.
Just sayin.
They won;t have to come after you to get your health care premiums. They will deduct it from your tax refund.
In the firsty place, why do you overpay taxes through the year so as to recieve a refund?
Do you realize that you are giving the feds an interest-free loan of your money?
Raise your W-2 number of dependents accordingly so tax payments break even, or nearly so. Can you imagine to what degree that would starve the beast if everyone did that? Not to mention a few more usable dollars through the year in YOUR pocket, where it will do the most good.