Thursday, April 22, 2010

Muhammad South Park clip

Viacom/Comedy Central
respond not to decency, but
threats ... .

One final thing that bugged me about Comedy Central censoring all mention of "Muhammed" in last night's South Park.  While creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have no respect for anybody, the network yields only to threats from Islamo MoFos.  The "beeps" mean Muhammed's name was spoken, but as you can see, the closed caption guys didn't get the message.  Watch the segue from Muhammed, to Buddha snorting coke, and accusing Jesus of having an Internet porn prollem.  Didn't bother anybody at Viacom a bit.


Timbeaux said...

Buddhists and christian's don't behead people when they get least not anymore.

Good monkey! Have a peanut. said...

It wasn't even Muhammad; it was-- (watch it to find out.)

But that didn't stop the killers of free speech. But dunk a crucifix in a jar of urine and you're a hero. What's the difference?

Jesus taught pacifism. Unfortunately, he was killed before he could explain the "how not to be taken advantage of because of your pacifism" part.

Cri de Couer said...

Suppression of free speech? This is no surprise to anyone who knows the connection between Nazism and Islam. Michael Savage has been saying as much for years now. God bless him for keeping the message out there.

Here's more. Of course, if you dig deeper, you'll find the connections between the Nazis and the Muslim Brotherhood et al. It's some scary stuff. The Nazi Party doesn't just survive among a few isolated Aryan Nation fringeists; It's alive and well within the Islamists.

An ignorant dickweed. said...

Fine, we knew they were say Mo-BEEEEP-, but why did the boys say during the episode wrap up?

Unknown said...

Maybe Christians ought to threaten to lop the heads off those who make fun of Jesus.

That would stop this crap.

Oh! Never mind! I forgot. The cops would spend inordinate amounts of time and resources to hunt those people down, get therm tried and put them in jail.

They won't, however, do that for the goat-fornicators.

Anonymous said...

"Jesus taught pacifism. Unfortunately, he was killed before he could explain the "how not to be taken advantage of because of your pacifism" part."

If you can type that with a straight face I thin' you're missing some of the multiple ways!

Armageddon Rex

Anonymous said...

Timbeaux: Point of order; Shinto Buddhists DID, in fact, in recent times, lop off heads of their enemies. We ended up nuking them, twice for this. It set an example for several decades. We need to set that same example again.

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