Sunday, March 13, 2011

Hitler Was A Union Buster

Wisconsin Unions

Steven Hayward managed to slip away from business long enough to visit the  capitol in the daylight, and capture the scene inside at the moment Governor Walker signed the bill eliminating collective bargaining for some classes of Wisconsin public employees. Above is another quickly-edited, four-minute highlight reel.

"The scene is really rather feeble, as you will see, but nonetheless conveys the infantilism of the modern left. This time I offer some voice-over commentary of my own, but couldn't resist calling in reinforcements from Monty Python on a couple of points. The old saying "It's all over but the shouting" almost doesn't apply, since the shouting going on is so lame. "

Comrade factory workers on strike

Re: infantilism of the modern left: The part I obviously liked was the "Hitler Was a Union Buster" sign.  As opposed to ...?  All the other totalitarian regimes -- that encourage the PFW (People's Factory Workers) to strike for better wages?   Regimes, btw, that many of these organize protesters represent.


toadold said...

And as it has been pointed out before
FDR did not like or support unions for civil servants, public employees, or whatever other names you wish to call them.
"Coming soon to the frozen food section of your local market."

Alear said...

I walked down to the statehouse here in Columbus y-day, just to see. There were no more than 40 protesters, seemed kinda lackluster. This one chap came up to me, encouraging me to take some flyers to pass out. I gave him a look. He slowly backed away. Made my day.

Anonymous said...

"As things stand today, the trade unions in my opinion cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, they are among the most important institutions of the nation's economic life. Their significance lies not only in the social and political field, but even more in the general field of national politics. A people whose broad masses, through a sound trade-union movement, obtain the satisfaction of their living requirements and at the same time an education, will be tremendously strengthened in its power of resistance in the struggle for existence".

A. Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 12.

Hitler was not a union buster.


Helly said...

The protests are fantastic and we should do every possible thing to prolong them and the public display of these freakishly self-unaware, raging imbeciles.

For the rest of our lives, when anyone asks why kids are so stupid, we have the full explanation on video.

Anonymous said...

Hitler was a socialist and more than likely would have liked the idea of a union as they stand today. It is yet another expel of revisionist history to make the ends justify the means.

SherryM Barn Army Batgirl

Anonymous said...

seems there was a union that the soviets were in charge of. hows that workin for ya?

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right, Helly, but this is definitely a case of "for those who don't understand no explanation is possible". To this day, those same idiots have no glimmer of their hypocrisy in raging about Sarah Palin's lack of experience and they'll never get this either.

In the words of the great conservative pundit, B. Bunny, "What an imbissle! What an ultra maroon!"

Anonymous said...

"As things stand today, the trade unions in my opinion cannot be dispensed with. On the contrary, they are among the most important institutions of the nation's economic life. Their significance lies not only in the social and political field, but even more in the general field of national politics. A people whose broad masses, through a sound trade-union movement, obtain the satisfaction of their living requirements and at the same time an education, will be tremendously strengthened in its power of resistance in the struggle for existence".

Adolph Hitler, Mein Kampf, Chapter 12

Hitler was not a union buster.


Anonymous said...

Hitler WAS a union, Buster!

That's probably what he meant his sign to say.

JMcD said...

"Hitler WAS a union, Buster!"

Prolly what he meant to say.

Anonymous said...

Hitler was a vegetarian and a dog lover - no, not that kind of dog lover. He was all for the confiscation of privately owned guns. Hitler was both an anti-communism and a socialist in that he believed in central planning of the crony corporation type. Hitler was the third greatest mass murderer of the 20th century.

Never trust anyone who believes in utopia.


Anonymous said...

Saying conservatives are against unions is like saying conservatives are against immigration. I'm sure the libs know better, but it just sounds more sinister than saying we're against public employee unions or illegal immigration. That would make us sound, like, reasonable, and wouldn't advance the cause.

Wabano said...

Adolf liked the right kind of dogs!
Hitler had his heart broken in WW one, when someone stole his Pit Bull.

Funny that everyone called the dog a Jack Russell.
At the time, American Pit Bull Terriers where considered America's national dog
Jack Russells are only half that size.
Real combat Pits are 40 pounds, Jack Russells average 15 pounds.
A pit would not fit in a fox hole, not that they are not trying hard!

On the other hand, German shepherds where called "Alsatians" and Pomeranian "American Esquimo" dogs!
War time bring funny twists in words meaning, like CAIR's big PR campaign painting Muslims terrorists(aren't they all?) as pitiful victims...

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