Thursday, March 03, 2011

Today's Mull
Is Obama a horrible president because he's black,
or is he black because he's a horrible president?


Who knows, some of you may be racist.
 Obama is certifiably racist.

and I'm sick of it.

According to a new book by Kenneth T. Walsh, Obama expressed to guests at a private White House dinner party his belief that "many middle-class and working-class whites felt aggrieved and resentful that the federal government was helping other groups, including bankers, automakers, irresponsible people who had defaulted on their mortgages, and the poor, but wasn't helping them nearly enough." When one of his dinner guests said that Tea Partiers were attempting to "stir up anger and anxiety at having a black president," Obama responded that the Tea Party did indeed have a racist "subterranean agenda." [DC]


JMcD said...

Most everyone on the planet is an ethnisist, and not a racist.
There are racists of course, though not as many.
Obama is definately one of them.

He is also an ethnisist.

Anonymous said...

He is a bad president because first he is a democrat, but before He was a democrat we was a third-worlder in his formative years. He is a bad president because he has no idea what those 0's mean, They are place holders, they don't mean "nothing". He is a bad president Because he is siding with everyone but America. He is siding with our enemies and throwing our friends under the bus.

He. Must. Be. Stopped.

Jess said...

He's a bad President because he's clueless. Not only are his decisions totally screwed up, he hired people that couldn't find their ass with both hands.

Fred de Vries said...

He is a bad president because he is black. If he wasn't black he would not have been nominated and still be stuck at being a bad junior senator.

Gayle Miller said...

He's a bad president because he is a clueless oaf. It has nothing to do with the color of his skin. If you'll recall - Jimmy Carter, a white man if ever one lived - was nearly as bad a president as Barry!

SherryM said...

He is a dolt and playing the race card is his only retort.


TimO said...

I'm not saying Obama is racist, but the fact that you can throw a rock from his Chicago home and hit Farrahkan's or Rev. Jeremiah A. Wright's says volumes....

Anonymous said...

He's not a bad president because he's 6.25% black. He's a bad president because he's 100% Communist.

Helly said...

I'm saying Obama is a racist.

This has always been a litmus test for Leftists/Commies/Democrats, and always will be. You can't even start down that road without a fundamental distain for humanity.

Anonymous said...

He's horrible not because his skin is black but rather because his soul is.

Somebody, I probably stole it here.


Anonymous said...

Does he even know the KKK was a bunch of Democrats as their terror wing? What you thought Abe Lincoln formed the KKK. Nah, honest Abe founded the modern day Republican party.

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