WOOT Report Vac-U-Box |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
WOOT Report Vac-U-Box |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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I want one. In Houston bread molds in two days even if it's never been opened. So you refrigerate it and then that dries it out and takes up space I need for beer. I've been looking for a vacuum bread box. Thanks Rodge.
The buns on the left of the picture look like Kathy Griffins ass.
This does look like an excellent device. I may get one.
Buzz D
look like Kathy Griffins ass
Jeesh. I may never eat rolls again.
Tech question for Woot experimenteur TRKOF - Won't the vacuum suck all the moisture out of the bread, making it very dry?
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick
Try this: save those little dessicant bags that say SILICA GEL: DO NOT EAT (sometimes they're plastic capsules). You can re-activate them by putting them in a 250° oven for three hours. Store them in zip-lok bags or those little jars from horseradish, mustard, spices, etc. (one per bag or jar).
They work okay for food (especially dried food) but they're great for jewelry (slows tarnishing), guns & ammo, old photos & clippings, and anything that rusts. Store the item(s) in an airtight container with a gel pack.
A cork in a hole thingy would wear out pretty fast, and then you'd get leaks.
"Waiting is" (Valentine Michael Smith)
Won't the vacuum suck all the moisture out of the bread, making it very dry?
LOL, BuzzD.
Mudflaps on your buns help keep the condiments from oozing out.
Not a bad idea.
Casca - yes, Woot.