Sunday, February 12, 2012

Obama: The most polarizing president. Ever.

Obama: The most polarizing president.


Obama: The most polarizing president. Ever.


DougM said...

"What do those numbers tell us? Put simply: that the country is hardening along more and more strict partisan lines." — WaPo
Noooo, it shows that Obama is so radical, that realists are digging in their heels before we're dragged over a cliff.

Anonymous said...

For 2011, ... an average of 80 percent of Democrats approved of the job he [Obama] was doing
If the poll is correct, then 80% of Dems are stupid, amoral, thieves, liars or... but we knew that by definition.
In the last days of WW2, Hitler ranted at his generals to move divisions he no longer had. Likewise, Uhbama and the Dems should see the lessons of California, where politicians are moving around money they no longer have, but they are they are so intoxicated by their Utopian dreams, or else so bent on the destruction of America, that they refuse to see the lesson there and go on their lying merry ways to a second term for Uhbama, where he can declare himself President for Life, and free college, condoms and drugs for everyone else.
The only fix for a number of idiots and leeches that depressing and a President that dictatorial is winning the next election by landslides in all the venues. Otherwise the grim options are secession or revolution. Secession didn't work out so well last time. IMHO, the only way to reform some of those 80% is to somehow cut off the Federal funding (because the Fed can print money) going to states and make states like California and Maryland that shit their beds sleep in them.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

bocopro said...

Good image, 'cept that the steps need to be going downward into a dark abyss.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

sorry, I only know how to do stairs that go up.

bocopro said...

You and Dr. Venkman, right?

Anonymous said...

I'll give you 2nd most polarizing. Being its Lincolns birthday today. Lets see Obamy match this top ten list.

1. Suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus befor a single shot was fired in a war that didn't have to happen.
2. Arrested half the Maryland State Legislature for voting to be neutral in the upcoming war.
3. Arrested Chief Justice Roger B. Taney for issuing an opinion that Lincoln invaded a soverign state against the U.S. Constitution. (this is why we have a supreme court)
4. Arrrested the grandson of F. Scott Key and imprissoned him in Ft. McHenry as a reminder that freedom of speech was yesterdays news.
5. Raised a foreign army (thanks Irish potato famine) and set it against the civilian population of one half of the United States.
6. Illegally envoked the 14th amendment of the constitution to surpass the 10th amendment of the bill of rights. Making states the slave of his federal government.
7. Ordered the capture of young women from Southern towns to be shipped north to work in textile mills and Yankee houses of prostitution (New Manchester, Ga. etc)
8. Invoked the first progressive federal tax on the U.S.
9. Removed local control YOUR childrens education and gave it to the oversite of federal beauracracies (Morrill Land Grant Act).
10. Filled his cabinet with European Socialst that escaped the 1848 revolution

Anonymous said...

Three cents says Anonymous at 9:15 PM was ConfederateH from commentary at pjmedia.
Bluntly, slavery was the cause of the secession, bud. Its extension westward was desired by one side, and decried by the other. It finally came to a head. Draping that idea with 'Southern gentility' and 'aggression' and everything else does nothing to change the fact. The war was about slavery.
I for one am glad slavery has been abolished. Too bad there was not a similar sentiment in the South of 150 years ago, or the 'dispute' would have been settled amicably.
BTW, happy birthday, Abe. I still get teary eyed watching the Booth story roll out on PBS. For one so vilified by your vitriol above, he seemed to have plans that would have made the healing a lot fairer and not kept the South so backward for so long.

Anonymous said...

Sherman was the original honest man. He credited all his successes to Grant, and never desired higher office for himself. His observation of Lincoln? The greatest combination of goodness and wisdom he'd ever observed in any man.


Anonymous said...

Sherman was a genocidal maniac who's armies targeted civilian populations, not military divisions. Worst thing is, he had lived much of his life among the southern hospitality that he was all too willing to massacre. BTW, as a railroad agent, he made sure Lincoln sued him for an unheard of sum of $5000.00 for a couple days work. Honest man. I'm sure to some Yankees John Gotti is an honest man as well.

Anonymous said...

tomw, the the two richest states in N. America were Mississippi and La prior to the war. They were made poor by design by Yankee reconstruction. And I am not a southerner, I am a Sac & Fox Indian from Oklahoma. I still hold dear to the America Mr. Jefferson gave us. That America was killed ultimately by Mr. Lincoln (with the help of Hamilton and Clay)and is now the monster that threatens to take the rest of your freedom. Obama knew what he was talking about when he put himself up as the new Lincoln. BTW, my people were slaves at times too, we were also slaughtered and put in death camps. Does your eye weep for us as well?

Kim said...

Oh great: we're re-fighting the Civil War.

Sorry, I think I'll go and do something more constructive. Clipping the dog's toenails comes to mind.

Anonymous said...

"Stairs that go up." We all know all stairs only go up. Thats why we all take the elevator.

Wars over. Nobody won. Get over it..

Neutral x

Kristophr said...

Yea, Kim ... any mention of Sherman or Lincoln causes the southern apologists to poke their heads above ground.

I think they are googling the names continually.

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