The Father of the Teaparty ...
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Rick Santelli on
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
I know what you're saying, "Rodge, they know, but class warfare is integral to Dem electioneering."
That, plus they're truly stupid at the cellular level on the subject. -
4/15/12, 8:39 AM
- Kristophr said...
Even the best numbers assume the rich won't just leave, or won't just sell out, retire, and have an endless stream of pretty young things bring them Margaritas while they lie on a beach somewhere.
Confiscatory taxes encourage the wealthy to to just leave and go Galt on you. -
4/15/12, 12:42 PM
- rickn8or said...
Kristopher, that's always been my question about "soaking the rich."
"Who are you gonna steal from next year??" -
4/15/12, 1:06 PM
Anonymous said...
You said yourself years ago, Rodger, "Liberals are genetically incapable of understanding anything having to do with economics or the military."
GrinfilledCelt -
4/15/12, 2:15 PM
TimO said...
The Russians took 100% away from the rich.
The Chinese took 100% away from the rich.
The Cubans took 100% away from the rich.
Progressive Socialists have always bought the lies hook, line and sinker (and 100million have been worked to death, starved to death or just lined up against walls and shot) in the 20th Century. -
4/15/12, 3:10 PM
- toadold said...
Sigh, remember when they instituted the luxury tax on yachts. "Yeah! we will sock it to those rich folks who buy yachts!" Then the found out boat yards in the New England area were laying off workers and the rich were buying there yachts overseas. So the quietly did away with the yacht tax. The never really learn though.
4/15/12, 4:31 PM
Gerry N. said...
The luxury tax on yachts and boats closed boatyards on both coasts and cost tens of thousands of jobs. I know, I was one of those thrown our of work. That was when I learned to hate democraps with the heat of ten thousand suns.
Gerry N. -
4/16/12, 2:48 AM
Anonymous said...
California and Maryland, the two that I know of for sure, raised the tax rates on the more productive of their citizens. Said citizens realized they had legs that worked, and walked. Mayor Nanny raised the tax on cigarettes in NYC. Soon, cigarette sales boomed in nearby NJ and Conn.
In all three cases, projected revenue was never realized. As a matter of fact, MD stats show a decrease in tax revenues from 'the rich bastids'. {Your gov is teetering close to being an imbecile, IMO, but he thinks himself presidential timber, maybe for wood statues???} And then there's Moonbeam in CA, building a $900B 'FAST train to nowhere, with no riders..'
tomw -
4/16/12, 7:59 AM