Meet At the BARN!
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Will lawyers still be able to sue doctors with impunity? Will unions have a seperate medical system? If you hated gas lines when guvmint set gas prices, youre gonna LOVE these lines.....
Et Tu John Roberts?
dow opens- 128
Now the idiots in Congress can make a law that everyone is required to vote. If the person does not vote, they can be fined/taxed. It becomes the opposite of a poll tax.
We are becoming a banana republic...
We are all communists now.
Do we now live in the United Socialist States of America? Chief Justice Roberts fucked us royally and I have trouble understanding that. Was it threats from the white house? Was he afraid of the press? Please, someone who is learned in these things, explain why Roberts changed stripes and cornholed America.
Buzz D.
Congress can set the size of the SCOTUS.
Set it to one member, and retain the senior member, Scallia.
Then set it back to nine a week later and confirm eight new justices.
Then set the boundaries of the Ninth District to Johnstone Atoll, and create a new district for the Ninth's old territory, and hire new judges ( Give Kozinski the option of retiring from the Ninth, and joining the new district ).
Play hardball with these Democrat assholes.
John Roberts did set limits on the Commerce Clause and got the leftists on the court to agree with him which might be the best long term effect of the ruling. Also, as a tax, the individual mandate will be subject to appeal once the taxes start to be collected.
Now, it is a political issue, one that I predict will be more and more hated as it takes effects and drive health care costs thru the roof.
Freddie Sykes
PS: now that he knows it's a tax, what are the odds that Obama will lead the fight to repeal Obamacare?
I'm sorry, but I don't believe this was any political win or a result of left v. right.
This was Obama coming into his true power. Look at what he's done the last few months. Spit on the Constitution, flexed Emperor-like power, and now...swayed the Supreme Court without so much as lifting a finger.
He is now untouchable by man. Seriously. He will not allow anything or anyone to defy him henceforth. His minions have been emboldened beyond measure.
Unless there is divine intervention (and I am not kidding), we have just seen the birth of an (if not THE) Evil One.
First let me give my credentials. I hate hippies, commies, and democrats but I repeat myself.
Second. I havent read the opinion yet; however, before we demonize Roberts, lets look at what we hate about the activist leftist judges. Namely that they are leftist and activist.
I dont want my judges on the right to be activists or ideologues either. The purpose of the supreme court was intended to be a non political safeguard to the constitution. Clearly this has been perverted beyond all recognition, but I want my judges on the right to espouse the old school. Look at things in light of constitutionality without regard politics. I dont want them to rule how I would like it all the time, but how the founders would like it.
Third. This shit stinks. The smell test says this digleberry law is unconstitutional as hell. At least it will fire up some cold butts come november.
bfhogues - my guess is that 98.6% of our panelists will agree with everything you said.
casca, No, we are not 100& communist now. Not even 30%. We are victims of a government overthrow, and if it's not reversed PDQ, most will be in the next 30 years, until they eventually rise up and remove Obama's mummified corpse from its shrine and burn it.
I'm going into the publishing business to rewrite all those damn textbooks.
Now we know why our founders fought the Revolutionary War, drafted the Declaration of Independence, and created the Constitution of the United States of America. These were done to establish a strong centralized government having unlimited power to control every aspect of peoples' lives through the taxing authority.
Thanks for clearing that up Chief Justice Roberts.
Raja, we ARE all communists now. The main feature of communism is that it is tyranny from the top, however many of the people would prefer liberty. That is what we have now.
As for Chief Justice Roberts, unless he can do a quick tap dance to explain why this decision isn't what we believe it is, he is a stain on the Supreme Court; he is a stain on the Constitution; and he is a stain on America. So start dancing, Mr. Roberts.
By the way, I have some red flags with a hammer and sickle on them for sale. Before the IRS comes for a visit, you may want one flying in front of your house.
Lawyers can't sue doctors with impunity.
Rule 11 and various "Abuse of Civil Process" acts punish such activities.
Conservative: What was that? A torpedo?
Glen Reynolds: Naw,just a sudden course correction. The ship'll return to its original course as soon as we stop taking on water!
Conservative: Assuming we can contain the fire!
Reynolds: And assuming I can detail damage control parties, but since we haven't been struck amidships port side with two torpedoes, we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
It takes 60 Senate votes to over ride a filibuster on a bill that involves a fee. It only takes 51 votes in the Senate to put Obamacare on hold for ten years. As a tax the House can kill it dead. Obama is already trying to buck the Supreme court by whining "It is not a tax it is a fee!" "The left has won the battle but they have lost the war."
I am a daily sojourner here but never comment. May I offer this wot I picked up the other day:
Totalitarian democracy is a term made famous by Israeli historian J. L. Talmon to refer to a system of government in which lawfully elected representatives maintain the integrity of a nation state whose citizens, while granted the right to vote, have little or no participation in the decision-making process of the government.
This where I believe we are. However I believe it is only a transitional stage. If we do not resist with everything we have we will in time become mere serfs of the gov't.
Well caplight45, don't be such a stranger then, Well done.
Is anyone else listening to Rush Limbaugh (and later Mark Levin)? Rush is doing a heavy duty field strip of Roberts. Levin has referred to his Landmark Legal amicus brief (Rush referred to it this morning), and Roberts is being put in his proper place. The guy's ruling is FAR worse than I thought.
Agreed, Skoonj.
The folks calling Roberts "brilliant" are being ignorant retards.
Roberts made shit up that was not in the legislation in order to use the tax figleaf for his decision.
The charge for not having insurance is written in the law as a fine, even though the IRS collects it, in order to avoid calling it a tax.
Oh, and NO limits were placed on the Commerce Clause. The issue wasn't decided on that, since using that WOULD have imposed some limitation. Next case depending on interpretation of the Commerce Clause gets decided as a completely separate entity. If this case used the Commerce Clause, as it should have, the law would have been struck down.