Romney's Tax Confusion The candidate's response on the Obama Care mandate reveals larger campaign problems ![]() ![]()
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, July 05, 2012
Déjà poo all over again
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Anonymous said...
This is it in a nutshell: Obama had the worst month of his Presidency, and Big Mitt hasn't got a clue how to capitalize on it.
Obama is stepping on his own weenie day after day, and Big Mitt is out in Kansas on a bus, roaring his way to press the flesh at the next Arby's.
To sum it up, so far Big Mitt is a doppelganger for John McCain...and we know how THAT ended.
He either grows a pair, gets some real political sharks to run his campaign or we've got 4 more with His Holiness...and the end of America. -
7/5/12, 6:37 PM
- Jess said...
Not only is Obama stepping on his weenie, he's tripping and Romney has to ask an aide what happened.
7/5/12, 7:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's pull our guys out... Or kick ass & take names like WWII, so that our enemies lick our boots and get a sick feeling when contemplating violence to Americans!\RAK
"during the seven years in which our troops were in Afghanistan under President Bush, we lost 569 military personnel. In half that time under Obama, we’ve lost more than twice as many troops as we lost under Bush."http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/07/03/Has-Afghanistan-Become-Obama-s-Dumb-War -
7/5/12, 8:50 PM
Anonymous said...
Let's draft Allen West at the convention and tell Mitt "Nice Guy" Romney "Thanks but no thanks." The world would be quaking in it's boots that a hero like West in the White House...and with good reason: he is a can-do guy. "This is the objective. This is how I will take the objective. Over and out."
In a related piece of news:
Ann Romney says woman being eyed for husband's ticket
July 05, 2012
Associated Press
Mitt Romney's wife has disclosed a tantalizing detail about her husband's intensely secret vice presidential search: He's considering choosing a woman.
"We've been looking at that, and I love that option as well," Ann Romney told CBS News in an interview broadcast Thursday.
(Let's just call him "Mitt McCain" and settle back to watch his defeat.) -
7/5/12, 10:57 PM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
Mitt McCain is not exactly right. McCain's choice of Sarah Palin was the ONLY bold thing he did in 2008, and she was the only positive energy his campaign exhibited. Romney choosing a woman smacks of contrivance, something the GOP establishment is good at.
Bottom line - I'm tired of voting for a ticket where the chief motivation are forestalling a Leftist regime, and the chance the winner will die during the inauguration ball. -
7/6/12, 9:10 AM