Saturday, October 20, 2012

Black on W#hite Crime Soars

Provoking Racial Unrest                               

Obama DOJ: Growth in Violent Crimes Against Whites
"The stagnant economy may be driving more  Americans
[ahem] to break the law"
Res Ipsa Loquitor

Not only is the U.S. economy in shambles, violent crime is at an all-time high and new federal statistics show that 2011 saw the biggest increase in criminal activity in nearly two decades with a large boost in the rate of “violent victimizations” for whites.

"There's real pressure on police departments to have the numbers going down all the time."
The rate of violent crime increased by a whopping 17% last year, according to the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), marking the biggest jump since 1993. Property crimes also went up 11% last year. That means that in 2011 there were nearly 6 million violent victimizations and more than 17 million property victimizations, according to the DOJ figures.

In an apparent effort to downplay the alarming statistics the feds explain in a press release that the swelling of violent crime is due to an increase in the number of aggravated and simple assaults. There was no “statistically significant change” in the number of more serious crimes such as rapes, sexual assaults and robberies, according to the explanation. [Judicial Watch]

Four words.  Eric;Holder;Barry;Soetoro (never legally had his name changed back  to Obama after adopton by Lolo Soetoro)

1 comment:

rickn8or said...

It's because of all those new gunz!!

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