Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mr. Johnson Goes to Washington

Mr. Johnson Goes to Washington
Wisconsin Senator and tea party favorite talks about the frustrations of his first two years as a senator, his version of the 'Buffett Rule,' and what could happen if Mitt Romney wins.

Res Ipsa Loquitor
For starters, he says, Congress doesn't operate with anything close to the efficiency of a business: "If you're going to compete against an organization, Congress would be the perfect one to compete against."

... the Senate in 2010 included 57 lawyers (Mr. Feingold was one) but zero manufacturers and just one accountant. With Mr. Johnson, the Senate gained a manufacturer and an accountant.
He pulls out a pen and draws a diagram of Congress—a big rectangle containing a bunch of incongruent circles. "You've got all of these cookie-cutter offices. They're all stove-piped. They're all silent. A bunch of cats that don't play well in the same box. It's competitive. You see the exact same piece of legislation with somebody else's name on it. What's that about?"

The senator believes the 2012 election is seminal not only because he thinks it's our last chance to make a U-turn on the road to serfdom—"this election is literally about saving America"—but also because it offers Republicans a singular opportunity to educate the public about the country's problems, and in doing so, earn a mandate for fixing them.  [Full]

Johnson very much reminds me of Sen. Hank Brown (R CO -1991-1997).   (He was criticized by professional Senate Dems for being a "greedy businessman in it to protect his own interests). He quit after serving two terms to return to that business, saying "two terms are enough." 


James Hooker, Nipple Whisperer said...

I´ve preached for years, TWO friggin terms for EVERY friggin body, EVERY friggin where, is ENOUGH!
My Take?:

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The nine men in black said we can't do that

Snackeater said...

Why is no one talking about the 2012 senate race? Are the (R)'s in a position to retake the senate, so the T-P Media just ignores it? I've not heard a thing about it.

Anonymous said...

Senator Johnson for Senate Majority Leader!
We can have term limits with a Constitutional amendment.
We could have defacto limits w/o an amendment if chairmenships, salaries, leaders and perks were term limited by Congressional rules.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Rodger the Real King of France said...

I second Tailgunner Dick!

CDR J said...

The problem with a constitutional amendment is that it starts in Congress. No congresscritter is going to break his own rice bowl like that.

The alternative is a constitutional convention proposed by the state legislatures. Unless you ca. resurrect the Founding Fathers, yo do NOT as.t that. Without their genius, you would have a mish mash of every liberal wet dream included.

Rodger the Real King of France said...

A provisional Barn Army government would have no such qualms.

Anonymous said...

TWO six-year terms for Senators, then retirement with a (TOTAL)$1Million pension and the thanks of a grateful nation; six two-year terms for Congressmen, with the same pension plan: (and you can't leave the House or Senate to run for the Senate or House, but you can give it a "go" for the presidency or a judgeship,) two four-year terms for President, with a $5 Million pension, yatta-yatta-yatta; ALL Federal Judges, at ANY level, including the Supreme Court, ONE TEN-YEAR appointment, AND a $25 Million pension.

Why so much? SIMPLE! It's gonna cost you BIG-TIME to "buy" a Federal Judge! If you can't beat their pre-set pensions, WHO NEEDS YOU???

Rodger the Real King of France said...

The ONLY solution to this Judicial Tyranny is this.

SCOTUS can only accept cases involving interstate commerce (in the stricted sense of the words).

SCOTUS can never overturn and act of congress.

But Boo-hoo, what if congress does bad things?

Guess what, if we as a society are
bad people, no court on earth will save us from ourselves. And, we are NOT bad people.

Alear said...

Josh Mandel for Senator in Ohio. It's close. A good sign is I read an article this morning where the mayor of Columbus (D) didn't like him, for no good reason. He's running against the midwest version of Chuck Schumer, Sharod Brown. Feel free to donate, or otherwise assist. Ohio is truly the battleground state, it's palpable.

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