scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
How Democrats Stole the Election
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
- Eli said...
Didn't Obama win Florida? We have voter ID laws (and have apparently since 1977)
11/28/12, 9:23 AM
- RavingDave said...
Ruled by an Unconstitutional government? That ship sailed in 2008 when we allowed a non "natural born citizen" to run for the office of President. 50 State election officials failed to do their jobs, and we have ever since lived with the consequences of their incompetence.
11/28/12, 10:21 AM
- RavingDave said...
Regarding Florida's voter ID law, it is my understanding that ID may be asked for, but not required to vote.
For those wishing to commit vote fraud, it yields the same result as having no ID law.
11/28/12, 10:23 AM
Anonymous said...
Virginia requires photo ID to vote. Romney/Allen lost just the same. Early voting, very late (after poll closing time) provide opportunity for work arounds.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/28/12, 10:30 AM
Jason in SD said...
Voter ID means nothing when illegals can get ID. California, Minnesota, Michigan, Illinois, etc.
11/28/12, 10:47 AM
Anonymous said...
Virginia DOES NOT require photo ID to vote. ANY ID is accepted. As far as I am concerned, lack of a photo requirement negates the purpose of requiring ID.
11/28/12, 11:24 AM
Anonymous said...
In *my* opinion, the Democrat Part failed their entrusted job. Citizens expect them to place country ahead of party, and ahead of power.
They didn't and allowed an unqualified, in SO many ways, person to be their "vetted" candidate.
He could not get a security clearance to VISIT 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. He's an admitted felon, admitted drug user, an admitted liar {see IL law app re aliases}, and God knows what else.
YET, the party put him up as their candidate, and repeated to maintain power, at what cost to the country? With what concern for the country?
I guess the rich and powerful {see: Corzine, thief and liar} will have a 'separate world' where their dollar bills will be worth something, where the rule of law will maintain, but I don't know where that will be when the stuff hits the fan, with $10 loaves of bread, and $20/gallon gas. They must have a plan, must....
tmw -
11/28/12, 11:25 AM
Anonymous said...
It is called slavery, tmw
thoR~ -
11/28/12, 12:13 PM
TPAT said...
Photo ID is required in Florida. If you don't have one you can cast a provisional ballot. The signature on the ballot envelope will be compared with the signature on the voter registration form.
11/28/12, 12:19 PM
Anonymous said...
Anon 11:24 My apologies - you're right about Virginia. My voter ID card does not have a photo; I just used my DL with photo because it's what I had with me.
I just called my House delegate and raised the photo issue.
Thanks for jarring me awake.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
11/28/12, 1:50 PM
- toadold said...
I'm shocked! I tell you. Shocked that the MSM has been ignoring voting "irregularities."
11/28/12, 5:03 PM
- Mike C said...
My thinking is two can play at this game. Next election, volunteer to work the polls & try to make sure you are tasked with checking people in. If they don't have a valid photo ID, tell them they can't vote. Sort of a 'jury nullification' thing. Worst case, you get thrown out on your ear.
Oh, and there's that little blog thing i'm doing to try to root out the 'real' fraud. That's taking some real work, but it's coming along...
It's here in case you missed the link below -
11/28/12, 6:25 PM
Anonymous said...
Can't someone photoshop this pic of the empty handed sonofabitch?
11/28/12, 8:22 PM
Steve In Tulsa said...
In Florida, in Col West's district, 141% or registered voters voted. But no one seems to see anything wrong with that.
11/29/12, 7:40 AM
- Rodger the Real King of France said...
" Can't someone photoshop this pic of the empty handed sonofabitch?"
You mean like Larry Sinclair? -
11/29/12, 10:33 AM
Anonymous said...
yeah, yeah...that's it.
Larry Sinclair.
His favorite movie quote,often delivered to Obangy, was: "Fill your hands, you son of a bitch!".(TRUE GRIT)
Obungle would reply, "I just love it when you talk dirty ,there cowboy!" -
11/29/12, 6:44 PM
- El Jefe said...
We haven't had a constitutional gummint since before Lincoln.
As ol' Casey said, "And you can look it up!" -
11/29/12, 9:47 PM