Monday, November 18, 2013

Evil is as evil does

The Obamissariat                                                    


The Army is shrinking the number of troops to 380,000. Gen. Raymond Odierno, Army chief of staff, in the same Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, expressed particular concern that force reductions have greatly affected its readiness capability between 2014-2017.

The Marine Corps will be limited to 150,000 troops.

The Navy will be cut three carriers, after already having reduced the number of capital ships to some 260, down from the 600 reached at the peak of the Reagan administration.

New Navy flag officers and executives have been told to begin more cuts under sequestration, in which some 3,000 temporary civilian personnel will be laid off, and base operations will be reduced.

In addition, there is to be a cancellation of maintenance work on some 30 Navy ships and 250 aircraft.

.... just as worrying is that the media is complicit in its lack of coverage.


bocopro said...

Just got hold of the new ROE and global strategy plan for the Obama military approach:

Mostly it consists of "Halt! Or I shall throw my spear."


"You have the right to ignore us. You also have the right to come to our country and live in peace. If you do not have a useful skill or trade, Welfare and Food Stamps will be provided to you. If you choose to ignore these rights, then continue exploiting your people and terrorizing your neighbors. If you do not understand English because you do not speak English, then we would enjoy hearing your evening call to prayer and other uplifting words in your own language when you have the time."

TimO said...

Same kind of cutbacks in the 1920s after WWI led to the rise of the German and Japanese expansions. Our grandkids will be dying by the millions over this..

Anonymous said...

bocopro, I'm afraid the new ROE is
"Waidaminute til I get my lawyer."
"OK, I'll get my JAG officer while you get yours and we'll see what we're allowed to do."
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick

Anonymous said...

The D's had the first two years of Obunko administration to do as much damage as they could. We are now going to see the full panapoly of a D administration that is let run amok. It take a little time for the results to flow through the system. The PPACA is the largest of the chunks of misery to be created, and we have only seen the start of that, wait for the employER paid policies to get canceled and the removal of spouses and dependents from coverage.
These people can destroy more in a few years than can be built in decades. Note the comparison to the "exchange" taking so long compared to the WWII Pearl Harbor to VE day. Hitler died before the exchange could get built.
The executive branch is dysfunctional. His "Signature Achievement" is a failure, and he didn't know it until launch day. This is an example of absolute incompetence. Please don't bring up how close he is bringing MENA to open warfare. Israel is on the chopping block, and he's taking a nap or playing a round of golf. His star Secretary of State talks out of both sides of his mouth at the same time, China & Russki want to replace the $ with rubles and renminbi and he's speechifying to encourage foolish young people to sign up for his wealth transfer.
I am sooo tired of this a*hole.

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