Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Dog Recess


John Burgess said...

The morning after the party goes to the dogs....

Anonymous said...

Sandy Rest....a doggone good place when your pooched out and too pupped to pop.Couldn't work up a howl if there was a full moon out and ain't EVEN gonna be chasing no tail.

BlogDog said...

After someone (no one knows who) let the dogs out, they had to be taken in again. But then they fit perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Let them lie.

pdwalker said...

anyone seen the quick, brown fox?

BobG said...

Congress, after a day of "screwing the pooch"...

Anonymous said...

Keeping the sanbox safe and sanitary for the little nippers.

Anonymous said...

"Guess we're outta cat turds to eat and I'm tired of licking myself... Might as well sleep."

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