Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Drilling Anwar


Anonymous said...

If we can build an interstate highway system in the interests of National Security, WTF can't we drill for oil in ANWR?

All it would take is some leaders with gonads to tell the liberals to STFU, and go right to the American people -- tell them it's a decision between even higher gas prices and America becoming self-sufficient and being able to tell the middle east to fuck off.

In my perfect world you'd stand on the beach and see oil derricks all across the edge of the horizon. Of course the liberal piss-ants would complain mightily but that's not "visual pollution!" Those dots on the horizon are called "domestic security." And anyone who opposes it obviously just wants another "war for oil", high food prices, job losses, etc... right???
See where I'm going with this?

But unfortunately, we have no leadership, so it'll never happen. Not Obama, not Clinton, not McCain.

God, help us as our civilization crumbles.

KeesKennis said...

I have lost a civilization and will stand alone to the end of my days.
Fuck comunists and socialists

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