Prevailing Mood = 7 |
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Prevailing Mood = 7 |
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
This will be the comment box |
Stephen spent so many years whacked out on coke (long before his jogging traffic accident) that its a miracle he can even put a sentence together, let alone sign his name on a multi-million$ book contract.
Also remember that he was an English teacher in a public school and tainted by THAT mindset....
Douchbaggery at it's finest. Must have something to do with being a jawn carry fan.
Good for Stephen for telling it like it is.
Illiterates become professional bullet catchers.
Hello Paul. Nice to meet you. I am a "fairly Literate" former Marine Officer who caught a bullet.
Wanna play catch, you Douche drinking, three testicled, steaming little pile of maggot droppings?
You are a disrespectful child who has absolutely no idea what it takes to be a soldier.
Go play with Stephen, and keep your mouth shut.
*sorry boss*
I have just retired after 32 years in the U.S. Navy. I enlisted in 1975 after realizing the University I was attending was full of liberal idiots. My qualifications for the military was a 1400 SAT, 31 composite ACT and being a National Merit Scholar. Paul C. has no clue about todays military. Tommy O.
I'm not a fan of horror. I've only read a bit of his stuff in passing. Seems to be evidence of a fairly twisted mind. He's from Maine, ain't he? 'nough said.
LOL @ HowlsAtMoon!
Fighting the good fight for the empire, eh?
I'll tell you what... when the US starts "spreading hope and freedom" to countries where it doesn't have a vested economic interest, than I'll believe the happy horseshyt propaganda.
Until then, I'll see you for what you are:
A pawn
A tool
A means for the rich and powerful to stay that way.
Afterall, "JarHead" is hardly a compliment. :)
BTW, no one is saying (and certainly King wasn't saying) that there aren't ANY intelligent officers, and NCO's in plethera of MOS's.
But your average 11-bravo 20y/o PFC isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. That's why they're 11 bravos.
Hey!! I was an English teacher -- both high school and university. Doesn't mean I'm a flake, a lib, a nerd, or any of that stuff. Even used a coupla King's stories in my lit classes -- and Vonnegut's, too. Good stories are good stories despite the left-wing claptrap many of the authors barf at microphones and cameras.
Did my almost quarter century in the USN, too, 59-84. Voted against Mondale, Carter, Clinton, Gore, and Querrie. Don't like bein lumped in with jerkoffs, military bashers, and America haters.
Paul C, don't fart OK. You'll get man goo all over everybody.
Farts jokes and douche bag comments?
Kinda proving my point, boyz...
I bet you never met Roger Donlan, didja Paul?
Some of the smartest people I've had the priviledge to serve with, or indeed ever met, were 11Bravo types. You have to be, to survive the experience.
Some of the stupidest people I've ever met thought 11Bravos were stupid. Kinda proving yer own point there, ain't cha Paul?
Uh,oh. Troll crossing.
And what is our vested economic interest in Afghanistan. In fact, what is it in Iraq? It's libtards in Congress who are demanding free oil, de facto, from them. When I say you're an asshat of the first rank, I mean that in the good way.
A new troll!!! Well at least he's dropped the old "But we support the Troops" Bullshit. Gotta hand it to him for that. Paul, When your world view of "How things Should Be" comes to pass and all those 11 Bravos are no longer there to protect you? May you wear your chains lightly. And hopefully you'll not be one the first ones rounded up.
You denigrate those who are better than you while they are out there protecting your right to be an Asshole of the first order. Don't worry, it's ok. They know you and all your Asshole Buddies talk shit about them. But the objects of your derision will continue to carry on and do the right thing.
Because they know, (And deep down, you know), That you're a Pussy.
Hey Lick Spittle Paul C. fuck off you little fringe. You sully the good name that is part if this mans Barn Army.
"The Original" Paul C in the RCMP Uniform from the Barn Army.
Whew. I was sure he was an impostor, but ... good to know Constable Paul.
My appologies to Roger DONLON for mispelling his name.
Link to the citation & other stories about Donlon:
It is nice to occasionally reaffirm the beliefs of the American left. Kipling covered it best:
A makin' mock of uniforms,
What guards you while you sleep,
Is cheaper than those uniforms,
And they're starvation cheap.
"...when the US starts "spreading hope and freedom" to countries where it doesn't have a vested economic interest, than I'll believe the happy horseshyt propaganda."
Start believing. The Balkans, 1994-1996. Somalia, 1998-2000.
So, to recap: you're against sacrificing American lives where we have vested interests, but you'd prefer we toss them away on "noble" altruistic missions like, oooohhhh Darfur, where we don't?
Pardon my French, Rodger, but:
What the hell kind of fucked up thinking is that?
And by the way: Stephen King isn't a writer, he's a typist.