K Street Republicans’ war on Palin
scream-of-consciousness; "If you're trying to change minds and influence people it's probably not a good idea to say that virtually all elected Democrats are liars, but what the hell."
Thursday, August 09, 2012
K Street Republicans’ war on Palin
"If the number of Islamic terror attacks continues at the current rate, candlelight vigils will soon be the number-one cause of global warming. " |
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Anonymous said...
Sarah continues to poke the kstreet berks right in the eye, every time she endorses another winner. They probably loathe her as much as a dim dopey lib.
Go Sarah!
Geo -
8/9/12, 10:02 AM
Bill W. said...
It can't be any --- excuse the expression --- "white bread" Republican like they're discussing behind closed doors or we're screwed.
Romney needs a fire from underneath, so to speak. Two words: Marco Rubio. Unfortunately, race/ethnicity are issues, so, book it! -
8/9/12, 10:04 AM
Anonymous said...
BillW - I think Rubio would be a fine choice in terms of ability and appeal, but I think he's more needed in the Senate at the moment. We cannot afford to give up one single Republican seat there, never mind a Conservative seat, until after we get a veto proof majority. Think SCOTUS, treaties, appointments, budgets censor, investigate Harry Reid.
Rubio is best for America where he is right now. He's young. He has time. Meanwhile, he's a bulwark against Dems and RINO's and gets plenty of exposure to promote his principles and polish his resume.
Lt. Col. Gen. Tailgunner dick -
8/9/12, 10:28 AM
Anonymous said...
^ Sound reasoning, but it'll never happen. The repubics will never open and start investigations of this administration if and when they control the Congress.
For the same reason they haven't started Impeachment Hearings already. They couldn't stand the heat Impeaching the first Black President [Bubba aside].
That's why they are standing by watching him shred the Constitution day, after day. Start practicing the phrase "We are looking forward not back."
Geo -
8/9/12, 12:14 PM
Anonymous said...
Paul Ryan would be a great choice for VP.
He knows what the problems are.
He knows what the obstacles are in Congress.
He is committed and focused.
He is not a real GOP insider.
Choosing him would convince me that Romney is actually going to try to deal with our number one problem.
He could be another Calvin Coolidge.
Luigi Palmieri -
8/9/12, 3:38 PM
molonlabe28 said...
It doesn't matter who Romney picks, because the addition of a VP to the ticket will be little more than lipstick on a pig.
I hope that Sarah takes a pass on speaking at the convention and spends her time more productively campaigning for freedom-loving Senate and House candidates.
Let her detractors, Karl Rove and Dick Cheney, work the crowds into a tumultuous uproar.
I certainly don't plan to watch the GOP yawn-fest. -
8/9/12, 6:52 PM
Anonymous said...
The 1 thing Obama did for us: saved us from McCain.
8/10/12, 1:36 PM